k man said:
Next1m8 said:
I've already considered it gone, I seriously have to stop thinking about it I'm not sure you guys realise how much stress this is putting on me
I just need to get out and do something.. Stressing myself out about this won't do any good
I think the reason you hand considered it gone is because you never really had one to Beguin with did you lucky!!!???. No one in the saine mind would leave it this long without action and you claim you don't have the serial number anymore but in your other topic posts you sent them off before purchase via SMS to check for fakes and if stolen and you claim to have received verification SMS back to you claiming all genuine and in order. Feel free to put me back in my place and corect me but in my opinion.CHECK & MATE.
Ok now I feel I may as well explain the reason behind why I left it so late to go to the police, I have known Joel for almost 12 years, he's a pot head but not a thief I would have and still do trust him with my life.. Some say I trust to easy but this isn't like him at all to do something like this, the serial number sent via sms I assumed was saved in my iCloud messages and recently restored my iPhone because I jail broke it and one of the tweaks I installed made my phone continually crash, I knew I'd lose all content hoping that my iCloud connection still worked before hand.. Only it didn't it saved my pictures from almost a year ago but nothing else.. My friend rob who sold me the detector in the first place is difficult even at the best of times to contact, Joel's Gf didn't block me on Facebook I was just so caught up in everything and when I c oil dnt find her on fb assumed she blocked me. But that wasn't the case apparently she hasn't had Facebook for over 2months now but I don't check on her everyday to know this I only searxhed for her when my mate Joel went walk about. The fact he hasn't been home could be due to him going back to work who knows all I know is I've put two thousand five hundred dollars down for a detector I've used for not even half an hour.. Why I gave it to my mate too look at was because I was so excited, I didn't even take the transfer and sales receipt out of the box.. There are many reasons why I haven't plastered his name all over every single forum and page related to gold on fb and what not and that's because I sincerly think he hasn't screwed me over but I. Could be too trusting
The fact that I'm now being questioned on here kinda Sucks I mean I'm going through hell thinking all kinds of f***ed up ***** as it is and to be honest it does help having you guys as support but being doubted and having stupid accusations like I never owned it in the first place in a way your right I feel like I don't own it, reason being I've not even used it for 40mins how can I feel like I've still owned it I'm just trying to stop thinking so much because honestly it's burning a hole through my heart and the stress is phenomenal
I don't want anyone's sympathy it's my own fault but I'm trying to stay optimistic about it all and keep a level head.. Until the investigators or cib get back to me about what they've learnt I'll keep it between us on here and the police if for any reason it turns out he has taken it to profit for himself I'll hope I never got the poultice involved bcos Ill kick his head off five ways sideways.
Trust me when I say I just want to scream and yell the world but what good would that do, the more I stress the more mistakes I'll make