..........a simple 100A continuous relay/solenoid to connect the batteries. When the engine is off the start battery is isolated. As soon as you turn on the ignition all batteries are connected. It's simple and effective.
Nothing against the electronic gismo's, but iv seen a few fail...and i prefer the ones like in the quote above also. Its what im running and providing iv got the idiot switch on..all is good.
Was thinking of a DC/DC charger mounted in the van at the batt, and charged as i drive, but the 130W panel keeps the van batt charged well enough.
Condor22, i did the sums on our eletric blankets on low from the inverter, from memory its quite do-able. But when we are tucked up in bed watching a movie with the geny running.....neither one of us want to get up and turn it off.....and on many a morning when nature calls, its still running when we do get up.
Thinking of pulling the servo's from some of my RC cars and attaching to the geny to turn it off via remote. :lol: