Drive by shooting our house and neighbours...

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May 26, 2014
Reaction score
Frankston , VIC
Well I was sitting up watching TV between 1am and 2am and heard a car pass with 3 popping sounds which sounded like fireworks, when we went to go to coles the car had what looked like a bullet hole on top of door shattering window which is still held together.....found out neighbour had cops at her place because she noticed a bullet hole in her car....
They retrieved the bullet and what I thought was fireworks was actually a gun.

We're all good and safe and very fortunate no bullets entered the house.

Picture is from Bullet recovered from neighbours car, the one that hit ours ricocheted over the roof somewhere.



Hope you all stay safe and have a wonderful celebration....Merry Christmas all.
mate i feel for you i was having a lot of trouble here (goes with my job lol)but never as bad as that i put cameras in and the trouble has stopped
ANYONE who fires a gun like that should be on attempted murder charges
hope you and yours are ok and don't let this spoil your christmas
Looks like some random idiots, mind you the neighbours have been hit as well, one of them had car run into other day lucky there was a witness and wrote down all the details, other side of us they had Van stolen of front lawn behind gates some idiot then used paypass from Van at servo so cops have video footage.....we're not going to let anything dampen our time....10 of us living in the house could have been worse off but we're looked after. :)
I remember "WHEN"

We never locked our doors
You could leave things about and they were safe
You could ride on a train at night and not worry
We made things in this country,and people had jobs
We never lived in fear of things being blown up
We are a great country,but lets hope those that make the decisions for us open their eyes and ears.
Never locked a thing cause they'll get in anyway. im lucky i live in the country with a pretty protective community around me. Everyone looks out for each other but doesn't get in everyone's lives. Round here if someone took a shot at a house or car very likely they'll get one back around 3000 fts.
thedigger said:
I remember "WHEN"

We never locked our doors
You could leave things about and they were safe
You could ride on a train at night and not worry
We made things in this country,and people had jobs
We never lived in fear of things being blown up
We are a great country,but lets hope those that make the decisions for us open their eyes and ears.
Unfortunately mate the people that make the decisions are too busy listening to the do gooder brigade that has had a massive rise in popularity in the last few years.

I got done by a dash and run yesterday arvo... Scored my Wallet (usually never leave it around) and all our spare House and Car keys...

Two Toyota's 2013 models = No change form $4.5K they tell me for replacements and new barrels and new coding.

House = 2 new door locks to be fitted and extra locks on the Auto Garage Doors $1.2K

None of it covered under insurance...

CC's all stopped within 10min of it going down

They got maybe $25 and useless credit cards

Not happy jan, but at least no Guns involved.
The Bast^%$#^%$ had another go tonight...

Did the Old lady across the road, but we heard the same car as per previously and disturbed them. Am sure if we did not we may have at least heard them trying to get into the house.

But can do nothing until Locksmiths return to work...

But Wife is not feeling safe and every time a noisy car goes by or a noise out side - Stress goes up.

If some Pollie would put support the following; I would VOTE for them 100%. Castle Law

At some stage you have to have some right to protect your property and family. Shame there is no LAW as to what every one calls a Home Invasion. Law only recognises Trespass or Break and Enter...

The are using a Stolen Dark Nissan Dual Cab 161 SJQ and around 4030 and close by places....

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