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Draft V3 Of The Cricket Buckle Book.

Prospecting Australia

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Might have to use the PC to look, phone memory is low and I can only get up into the 100's page section before my phone does it's naana. :eek:
Looking good though. :D
PC will be better regards reading print and bigger photo vision..... looking forward to seeing it all now. :Y:
Bl00dy big job you've undetaken there Brian. :Y:
thanks for putting the link up. The google drive link will only refer to the latest version only.
So download and store a copy locally for the day that google can's google drive :p
Eldorado said:
Here is the 2nd version Silver.
Hi Brian,
Here is an image of a cricket buckle found while detecting a week or two back.
Cheers, SinHof.
PS: This is a second attempt to post this picture, not sure what happened to the first.
Thanks SinHof,
thats a new design combo, havent seen that combination before, beauty! :Y:
Hi Brian,
Will keep you in mind should another example come to light.
Thanks, SinHof.
Hi, Brian don't know if this buckle is of any interest to you mate.



brianincnb said:
hi silver,

google for "the australian detectorists recovered cricket buckles book"

I'm yet to reach the required number of posts to put a URL in a post - sorry!

silver said:
There's no fool like an old fool lol. :eek:
Where do I download from.... :/
is there a link ? 8)

Goldpick, I actually your picture of "Champion with Bat & Ball" as the background on my Desktop, I quite like that buckle :)
hi Diggertrev,

I'll take it! :) In my books, I'm always interested in any cricket buckle pics, and yours will be added to v3!

Thanks for your contribution,

cheers -b

Diggertrev said:
Hi, Brian don't know if this buckle is of any interest to you mate.


brianincnb said:
hi silver,

google for "the australian detectorists recovered cricket buckles book"

I'm yet to reach the required number of posts to put a URL in a post - sorry!

silver said:
There's no fool like an old fool lol. :eek:
Where do I download from.... :/
is there a link ? 8)

Goldpick, I actually your picture of "Champion with Bat & Ball" as the background on my Desktop, I quite like that buckle :)
Hello All,

I'm pleased to announce that v3 of the 'buckle book' is now available.

A big thank-you to all that have contributed with your public posts, emails, sent in updated photos, or told me about a buckle you've seen somewhere on the Internet or your fresh finds straight from the field!. v3 is a result of your efforts.

- v3 has 683 unique cricket buckle pictures and 101 non-cricket buckle
pictures (v2 had 557 and 79 respectively). So ~1 in 5 cricket buckles is a new one!
- Added a section: "Significant Cricket Buckles", which contains cricket
buckles I believe are of some importance.
- 156 unique wording or phrase combinations have been identified on the
cricket buckles
- In the 1860's+, sculling was also a significant Australian sport, see buckle 7.2.19
- I particularly like the pictures of the three 1870's prisoners shown with cricket buckles.
- No longer using Google's URL shorter, as Google has discontinued some
of its functionality. From v3, the link for the current version, now and
always(I just update the underlying file!), will be the following Google
drive link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwENP4lMSuvCM2tFQ0RHVWJ1N1U

I'm always looking for more contributions!


hi Mandim,
nice find! I've seen that buckle plate & centre-piece, but not together in that design combination. So, I'd class it is as a new design. Lion is typical associated with the UK, Can you please post some close ups of front and back? Congrats
hi Sandta, thats in very good condition. I would like to walk across that buckle! :) One statistic I didn't think about, and a reviewer of the 2nd release of the buckle book suggest, was tracking location and number seen of each buckle. Your find, from memory, I've seen > ~5 times.. On UK sites, and the rest here in Australia. Its quite a good buckle design, and I would envisage it being a popular wear choice when picking a cricket belt from a trader or store here in Oz in the 1857-1870's. 1857 is the earliest reference in a Trove newspaper of an auction of a ships cargo/wares which also contained cricket belts. All the samples of seen of this cricket buckle do not bear a registry mark on the back of the buckle plate or the buckle plate tongue. Attached is a pic showing what the buckle looked like, undug, worn from use, from a UK collector. Its in gold gilding, but it could of been silver. in v4 draft, I've got buckle centre-pieces, the same, but in gold on one buckle, silver on the other.