Now thats a precarious way to kick off a Topic

and who better to do it than yours truly.
Just the other day out on a gold field, no where near Clunes 3 old fellas
were takin the piss out our ability to find big gold. i at the time had a giggle.
sometimes doing it 'just for the sheer enjoyment' isnt so bad to research a spot,
test it and recover colour in ya pan, so big or small gold was found
Now, these cunning old buggers took us to a spot the say had over 40 Oz come off the patch.
Believe it or dont, i know the hills i was in and id believe it based on History and other people that
have indeed found gold here, me being one of them.
They mentioned Divining, me the sceptic, Ha....... had a snigger and out came the two pieces of fencing wire.
Old guy 1, walks East West and sure as cats eating birds the wires crossed. he did this maybe 6-times. and from opposing directions.
what i got from that was me unknowingly asking many leading questions of which they were only too kind to share the answers too.
i learned that Divining doesnt pin point gold but tells you where the reefs run, in this instance it was the Indicator they found.
so in Theory Nth-Sth minus 22 degres west of north would be the direction to walk.
so if your a sceptic like i was, give it a go because you can have all the Maps, knowledge, Internet, best equipment.
If you dont walk in the right direction you may as well be out there with a cuppa n sandwich.
Just thoght id share