Hit the beach early this morning... On the sand just after 5am
It wasnt any warmer either

was actually lightly foggy ( a bit eery)
This is most of the lead and brass scrap
Heres some more...
The oddities...cool 'Australia' army badge , the necklace(925) must have been dropped yesterday,
I must have broken this up as i dug it out
I think the pearl ring could be a good one , there is something stamped but cant quite read it yet, needs cleaning ... Carefully
Found this odd lead seal of some sort
I also found a few coins
14x20c ,19x10c ,44x5c ,29x2c ,48x1c

d 4 pennies and 2 half pennies
Oh ye ... I found a few silvers too

32 of em
I cant make out all the dates , but heres some of them
1914 florin , 6x shillings(1917,1931 - '55 & '60 rams head), 10x sixpence ('12 ,'19 ,'21 ,'55 and an early Victoria) 15x threepence ('03 ,'08 ,'12 ,'15 ,'18 ,'19 ,'21 ,'23 ,'43 ,'62)