Dop suggestion

Prospecting Australia

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Jun 24, 2014
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What dop would suit a trillion cut pavillion?

Never attempted one before. The trillion is a Portuguese design. Quite deep and very symmetrical.
Is it safer to cut the crown first then the pavillion? That way the stone is dopped on a flat surface for both sides.
I like cutting triangles and always found the round dop suits the pavilion well. I've always cut the pavilion first with no probems.
You can cut crown first , that's the old school way .but....what if you run out room for pavillion ? You will window the stone . I like to get every bit of rough back , most of the time I don't even need to cut the table , just polish . You should do pavillion first as this is the basis if the light return and you can always lower crown angles to fit without too much detriment to the stone . Up to you :)

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