savage bitter said:
a lot of what I have seen out western qld is know your limits no your vehical and what it can do and if the worse your car breaks down stay there do some reading on survival and bush craft a skill set that never a waste of time ask stupid questions a lot of travellers I have seen carry over priced useless junk that they don't know how to use and causes more problems
I have done a lot of searches looking for lost or hurt people and simple mistakes are the biggest cause for them to be put into the situation which could of been avoided
basic skills can help and be prepared
Very true mate
What a lot of people dont realize is that those of us that do a lot of prospecting are gdually re ote and by ourselves.
At my age i cant handle silly buggers out with me and getting gold fever .
Also like to piont ouf that you can spend as much as gou want on sat phones etc but many real remote areas there is no reception .
Com on sense is your main line of defence .
Know the bush well is your best thing you can do