Do Tick Bites Cause Depression

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Jan 24, 2016
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Do Paralysis Shell Back Tick Bites cause Depression.
Over the last couple of months i`ve been intermediately removing lantana and priviet regrowth whilst land clearing.
i`ve just come out of another bout of tick bite poisoning this time around was fairly servere with half a dozen on the skull and three around the neck.
This batch are very small and near impossible to remove so much so half a liter of metho spirits i`ve poured over my head this week trying to evacuate these creatures to no avail.
So today i decided to do a make over and shaved my hair off to tackle the blighters...and the head aches have been terrible.
So what i`m trying to present here is on the four recent accounts over a couple of months.
I`ve asked myself why am i feeling so depressed not just down and flat on energy but that also.
Each time on the four accounts i came up with the same answer ```are it`s the tick bites.``
It took me 4 episodes of cognitive thinking to realizes and conclude that tick poisoning is causing me Depression.
nota bene . NB.
Cheers. didn`t get the rashes but the head aches were of a migraine type a little like a intense covid cold.
My English language..:rolleyes:
Visit to the quack is in order mate as depression comes in many forms. Cheers
Thankz for the concern mate.
Lots of trauma on this side of the fence at the End of the Day the problems only go away after you stop thinking about them in regard to mental health.
Quack wrote me a script for Zoloft 20 years back of which i never cashed in.
Each to their own but i`d never take anti depressants no matter what.
Certainly never mix it with alcohol from what i`ve seen.
Others just use alcohol or other relative substances to find a way out.
We All suffer at times that is the Dukkha in the Pali language.
Personally i think everyone has a bout of depression more so than they would like to admit.

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