shovels aint shovels, no matter what they cost, basically there are 2 types professional and backbreakers , before you buy a shovel, try this simple test, lay the base of the shovel head on a flat floor while you are losing the handle , is your back straight or are you stooping over , if you r stooping over my guess is you will have a backache after a short period of shovelling, if you back is straight then , as I have found , shovelling is easier no backache I was a subterranean engineer along time ago and hard good teachers on selecting and using tools, so at 67 my hips are bugged but I do not have any issues with my back bad backs are a curse save it
blacksmithing , you might be lucky to find a short legit od railway line a poor mans anvil, I never heard of any one using coal in the smithy trade they all use charcoal and if you don't have a blower try my $79 buntings ryobi one blower has a multitude of uses stick a bit op metal pipe in your charcoal fire and see how hot it gets white hot real quick . hardening and tempering , hardening heat till cherry red then quench now it hard to temper clean the surface to bright steel and heat slowly watch the colour change from straw to deep blue the temp range lies within the colour quench when you got the colour you want the old timers reckoned wet cow shitttttt was the go for the final quench might be a myth
I hope i passed on some good old knowledge to the budding enthusiast that like to make their own, the other night standing around the campfire the bed of coal finding it difficult to breathe because a so called fire expert reckoned it had too much wood in there the old truck rim should have been glowing red but it wasn't I said , if i had slump of steel i would make something, the fire expert blurted what a waste of time it would be easier to go buy it, oohhh I said , so what your analogy is time energy and you don't really enjoy the bit about making something, yep he answered , ok so it would be easier and cheaper for you to go to the fish market to but a fish that you don't eat than to come here troll around all day catch nothing then when you do you let it go yep makes sense to me perhaps he should try prospecting I enjoy the posts