About 15 years back I lived in Nth Qld and asked a local guy to put down a bore. He turned up with divining rods, and I left him to do his thing and returned in about 10 minutes. He had already found water and said there was a run of water running through my yard. I was sceptical but he said "watch this then" and proceeded showing me how the rods crossed.
Still sceptical I decided to accept his offer to show me how they work and walked the length of my yard with no results. Then I walked across the yard and the rods crossed. The guy said "Now look to your left and you'll see a white marker" I did and there was. "Now look to your right and you'll see a white marker" Again there it was. I was standing in the middle of where the water ran under my property.
Most sceptics can't get their head around one fact. Not everyone can do it. It's the same as driving a Maccas straw through a raw potato. I can do that too, and not many can.
I just made my own set of rods and tested them in the yard and they feel "alive". Mind you I'm built on an old railway yard so I'm not surprised. I can feel the rods have like a "force" around them and even work against the wind.
We are off to The Willows on saturday morning and should arrive on sunday. I'm taking the rods with me and will test myself out on sapphires, but I'm going to take a small sapphire stone with me to hold in my hand as I try. It's something I was told to try years ago and is said to work with gold as well.
I'm confident I can find water without any problem, but only hopeful I can find some sapphires. It should work though.
A tip I was given. When you are divining you should concentrate on the rods until you can actually see water between them. Yes, it does sound a bit voodoo but it works, I did it and so can a lot of you. With water anyway.
Try forcing a straw through a raw potato. If you hold the straw on the potato and focus only where the straw actually touches the potato if you concentrate hard enough you will eventually see the "juice" of the potato bubble out, then you lift the straw and drive it through the potato. Like stabbing it, and don't lose your concentration. Neat party trick. If you can do that you can find water with rods.