Would just like to add to my post from above: In Gippsland, the leafs/sticks and decomposed matter can add 6" or so of depth to some areas I want to detect. I've often used a firefighters rake to clear a large area but the mess it makes is unbelievable. After busting my gut the last thing I feel like doing is returning the ground to its original state as I'm so exhausted. A few times I've had to clean up the area the next time I went out. (It should be done before leaving, the day it's done)
Although I commented about ideas I had also about removing excess dirt I can't help but think of the damage some may leave behind. After all, some don't even bother to fill detector holes. A few times I've cleared a section that's produced gold before. After removing a fair bit of top soil the results weren't really worth the effort, probably better to just wait for better technology like the gpz 7000 and the 19" coil.