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Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
G'day folks, I was wondering would it be possible the Extend the EDIT time on posts because it would help with a couple of things, As we have seen today some posts had to be removed, Because if it was possible to either extend it or do away with the Time Out Feature that would Allow Posters of such post to go back and Re-Word them to a More Favourable Nature, And people who wish to Add an important point to their post like I just did but while I was typing it Timed Out and Ate my Post :mad: :mad: :mad:

Not only that if people could do So, it would Lighten the Load on Moderators Too, just A Thought, Aye.

If it's a long post just make sure you save it as you go(by previewing it occasionaly)that stops it timing out,.. or type it in a document on your computer and copy/paste it in when it is all done,... no problems at all then(moderate yourself in the comfort of your own lounge room) ;)
silver said:
If it's a long post just make sure you save it as you go(by previewing it occasionaly)that stops it timing out,.. or type it in a document on your computer and copy/paste it in when it is all done,... no problems at all then(moderate yourself in the comfort of your own lounge room) ;)

Yeah, Well because I have predictive txt hidden on this thing it sometimes puts in the wrong word and I go back to correct it and then I had A brain wave And thought of something while I was editing it and when I clicked submit/post it ate my post and all I had written was gone except for my original post. But between Answering other threads and editing the one I was on I was running out of time,lol
Dunno, some of my posts look like a string of unconnected words, I blame the phone/tablet too.

Not sure what the limit is, but it's enough to correct what I've typed.

Don't like the idea of extending the edit time too much, can make for a very odd conversation.
Ramjet said:
Maybe we need to think about our posts before we post them? Proof read them.
It can become confusing for example someone replies to a post then the original post is edited and the reply makes no sense.

Yeah I know, It was just an Idea that's All,
Sorry everyone but I'm with RR on this one' there has been many times I wish I could have Edited spelling etc... And it was too late' I think rather than a hour the "next day" but maybe only allow things to be Edited only once then locked.

It only make the poster look stupid if something has been completely Edited.
Zuke_Lynzy said:
Sorry everyone but I'm with RR on this one' there has been many times I wish I could have Edited spelling etc... And it was too late' I think rather than a hour the "next day" but maybe only allow things to be Edited only once then locked.

It only make the poster look stupid if something has been completely Edited.

This is the thing I have found, having just read some of my older posts, they read like I was drunk, I noticed on Steve H's Forum This option is left open and it does help and being able to tidy up your posts makes for better reading, IE some posts we had today for Me / Yesterday for you, could of been put right without deleting, So there are A few ways it could be of benefit,

Personally, I think that an extended time limit to edit, would be beneficial, and maybe 24hrs is long enough. Things said in the heat of the moment (telling me what my heart meant lol) dont need to be left there forever, after you have calmed down.
rocketaroo said:
Personally, I think that an extended time limit to edit, would be beneficial, and maybe 24hrs is long enough. Things said in the heat of the moment (telling me what my heart meant lol) dont need to be left there forever, after you have calmed down.

Well that was my Main concern as posts on another thread had to be removed because the OP did not read them through enough During the heat of the moment, and that is easily done when people are passionate about certain subjects/Items ect, Most of us have done it, I put my hand Up to that because I know I have done it.,

I had a lot of very wise comments on not changing edit times, but I used the preview feature and edited them out and fix spelin erorrs


again changed my mind in the cold of the moment, if I say it I should mean it, unless there's a govt exception for oldies like me
Ridge Runner said:
rocketaroo said:
Personally, I think that an extended time limit to edit, would be beneficial, and maybe 24hrs is long enough. Things said in the heat of the moment (telling me what my heart meant lol) dont need to be left there forever, after you have calmed down.

Well that was my Main concern as posts on another thread had to be removed because the OP did not read them through enough During the heat of the moment, and that is easily done when people are passionate about certain subjects/Items ect, Most of us have done it, I put my hand Up to that because I know I have done it.,


You can always ask a mod to edit for you. ;) just another option.

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