CTX madness 2017

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Wishfull said:
So do you use your 3030 the most when coin shooting.

Hey Wishfull, yeah mate, it's the only detector I use for treasure hunting and coin shooting these days. I used to use the aldi special as well but it has nowhere near the precison of the CTX.
Been prob a third of my goldies went to bills, the rest paid for my gear, its a goodthing either way!
Thanks again fellas, ahh if it goes on bills it's all good, though everything evens out with gear purchases and the like. Might put a few hundred aside for that new 14x9 CTX coil when it's released. :D

The aldi almost paid for the CTX, the CTX has pretty much paid for the SDC. :) Might have to get a new detector to play with soon, maybe even a D-D-De, yes a Deus. :) I dunno will see how I go over the next 6 months. :cool:
Hell!!!!!!!!! what's the world coming too? Heatho, thinking about joining the French connection, recon the heat must be getting to him LOL.
What's the 14x9 intended purpose?

Have not cashed my coin haul yet. could buy a deus but waiting and seeing, or just bank it , there some pretty old decimals in my lot . 24 kg in decimals, just started 4th bucket.

Heatho do you ever get sick of finding decimals, I'm starting to find that to be the case ?

Kind regards

SinHof said:
Hell!!!!!!!!! what's the world coming too? Heatho, thinking about joining the French connection, recon the heat must be getting to him LOL.

Wouldn't mind getting one but probably won't. Will stick with the CTX for the time being. :)
Danny13 said:
What's the 14x9 intended purpose?

Have not cashed my coin haul yet. could buy a deus but waiting and seeing, or just bank it , there some pretty old decimals in my lot . 24 kg in decimals, just started 4th bucket.

Heatho do you ever get sick of finding decimals, I'm starting to find that to be the case ?

Kind regards


14x9 I guess the purpose would be to fill the gap between 11"and 17x11. The testers are giving it a big thumbs up.

I must have had at least 10kg to cash in yesterday, my backpack was hurting my shoulder while carrying it to the bank.

I don't really get sick of finding decimals, especially when I'm getting plenty. :)

Might head back to my pre decimal parks later this week with the big coil and try to sniff out some deeper silvers that I might have missed with the 11".
Mate the Deus will be of use, I use it when the spots where I am chasing decimal coins are concrete heavy as the CTX just fails around concrete foot paths, driveways, guters and curbs. Head to head I will be honest, everyone wants to hear one is better but I have put a lot of hours on my Deus now as it lives in my work ute due to it's size and both machines are pretty much equal for what I do. Now before everyone jumps on my post " equal for what I do". As our ground is hard for 8 months of the year I only really chase modern coins and for this application there is no real difference other than the Deus is like swinging a candy cane compared to the CTX.

But Heath honestly you should buy one as it is fun to use and in the really trashy areas with lots of ferrous it does leave the CTX behind but if your trash is non ferrous then both machines have an edge on the other in some respect and you will find that some targets the CTX will hit better then others the Deus and I reckon if you run the Deus over your honey hole you will find coins the CTX missed. But after all that I still grab the CTX if I am going out for a couple hour coin hunt.

Cant wait for the 14x9 coil, bring on 2017.
goldwright said:
Mate the Deus will be of use, I use it when the spots where I am chasing decimal coins are concrete heavy as the CTX just fails around concrete foot paths, driveways, guters and curbs. Head to head I will be honest, everyone wants to hear one is better but I have put a lot of hours on my Deus now as it lives in my work ute due to it's size and both machines are pretty much equal for what I do. Now before everyone jumps on my post " equal for what I do". As our ground is hard for 8 months of the year I only really chase modern coins and for this application there is no real difference other than the Deus is like swinging a candy cane compared to the CTX.

But Heath honestly you should buy one as it is fun to use and in the really trashy areas with lots of ferrous it does leave the CTX behind but if your trash is non ferrous then both machines have an edge on the other in some respect and you will find that some targets the CTX will hit better then others the Deus and I reckon if you run the Deus over your honey hole you will find coins the CTX missed. But after all that I still grab the CTX if I am going out for a couple hour coin hunt.

Cant wait for the 14x9 coil, bring on 2017.

That's good advice, thanks mate, might look into saving up for one, would be nice to have a lighter detector for longer hunts. Even just to try some different technology would be great, I like the idea of being able to change frequencies.
Hit the old honey hole for an hour this morning while waiting for my cousin to drop over for lunch. Was straight back onto the silvers, the florin was the first coin target, then a few BB's and half penny's, then the $2 coins, then last two targets were the sixpences, one is quite corroded and gave a lower signal than usual. I gave it a go with the 17"coil just to see what difference it would make as I thought I had pretty much covered this area.

I scratched the florrie though as I wasn't really expecting it, thought it was a 2c coin. :mad:

Still seems to be plenty of pre dec there even though I have thinned them, out quite a bit.

First 2 pics are from yesterdays hunt at Manly beach.





Nice run Heatho :eek: :Y: A bunch of imports and silver :rainbow: :party:
Makes you wonder if they try and pass euros for goldies, big lunch line and they pass it off as a $2 :rolleyes:
then the next person gets in change and :mad: toss it into the beach or a park :eek: :lol: :lol:
They could be easilly passed off as a $2 for sure. I actually chatted with a few different people at the beach yesterday, there were yanks and poms everywhere. :)

The American quarter dollars give an excellent signal, thought it was a big silver ring.

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