I don't think there is any denying that they are simply tarted up detectors to have the appearance of a gpx5000, and that is about the end of it. There is a thread on another forum covering this where someone posing as a buyer requested information from the chinese mass producer. The result was that the seller openly admitted that they are not the same machines, and simply copies made to have the appearance of a 5000 in every aspect. There is a lot of confusion out there with conspiracy theories on minlab posting up a "chinese copy" with cheap VLF innards, but almost an exact copy externally - whether that was actually made up by minelab to scare off buyers opting to buy a chinese copy rather than going through Australian dealerships is anybodies guess.
Same goes for detectors like the GMT, but with a difference, in this case it is not chinese copies making there way here to Australia, but grey imports bought in bulk and sold on the Australian market, unauthorised by the parent company. Since that has occurred, it was found that they were indeed genuine units, all internals were the same, including factory markings, hardware, serials etc. Dealers get cagey about thsse particular detectors, as they do not appear on their records as being sold through an Australian or US distributors, hence the suspicion of originating from elsewhere.
I think in this instance, it provides fodder for for the conspiracy theorists with regards to the gpx5000, but when you think about it, why the hell would minelab continue to have their detectors made by the chinese (if that were so), if the chinese factories were selling them onto the open market at a reduced price, and outside of the minelab dealer network - just doesn't make any sense.
The simple fact is, the chinese aren't accountable to anyone, and will copy anything to make a buck. Just have a look at all the "Fender" electric guitars being sold on Alibaba, blatantly copied fender decals, shape, colours, design, but the hardware and electronics are just crappy & cheap items usually found on a $150 guitar. Yes, china did produce the cheaper line of Fender Squier guitars at one stage under licence, but the factories that were tooled up to make them are still churning them out, albeit labelled as amore expensive guitar, and no longer under licence.
Unfortunately, litigation wise, there seems to be very little the original manufacturers can do to prevent the chinese from mass producing copies of their current products, or continuing to produce very similar products once the original manufacturing licence has expired. Who knows, maybe minelab did outsource some of the non critical components manufactured in china at some stage (just speculation), but I think they would hold their cards pretty close to their chest with regards to the electronics and technologies behind their detectors, otherwise china would actually be producing 1 for 1 gpx5000 copies with comparable performance, and minelab would be broke.