I now have a heap of coils with a range for my 5000 and now a number for my new 6000.
Finding it a hassle storing and carrying these especially when on a prospecting trip. End up leaving behind some in the caravan under beds and those that are in the car usually with lower shafts attached seem to create a tangled mess with the other things we take with us in the back of our wagon.
Have been having thoughts about building a pigeon hole box for storing and stacking them vertically or horizontally.
Interested in any ideas.
Finding it a hassle storing and carrying these especially when on a prospecting trip. End up leaving behind some in the caravan under beds and those that are in the car usually with lower shafts attached seem to create a tangled mess with the other things we take with us in the back of our wagon.
Have been having thoughts about building a pigeon hole box for storing and stacking them vertically or horizontally.
Interested in any ideas.
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