I have used the oleamac an italian mad job to was an 84 cc job 10 years before it need a repair and that was from the ****** unleaded fuel when it first hit the market, upgraded to the husky professional models the xp 's, why , you could bury them in sawdust and they still ran all other top rated chainsaws choked, so have the XP55, 72,and the 3120 for serious milling and firewood , seriously looking at the electric one from bunnings think its the AEG with the 16' bar the specs match the husky electrics, why electric no fuel issues always runs when you pull the trigger if the battery is charged better for transporting in the car, even better is the 3 handsaw set the bahco flame hardened tips very efficient easy ro store and carry very very cheap and it does the job on timber up to 8' round used to find the chainsaw dealer would only sell the stock they carried husky and the stilhls, once met some country boys who came to have a peek at the milling on the river redgums , they commented on the husky's being used, so I said used a stilh once, your put the chainbrake on and saw thru the timber like a hand saw, the name still comes from still cutting wood lol most of the chainsaw racers i have seen use huskies the 3120 with a 12'bar for ripping the logs in the fence post race you gotta change the jetting if you hard on the throttle chainsaws are no good as a hedge trimmer get a hedge trimmer for that job lots of good feed back if you buy a cheap petrol toy its likely to let you down