Mr Magoo said:
nuclear war will destroy every thumb drive or hard drive in the country.
even without an all out nuclear war , just one EMP specific weapon detonated over a city will wipe out all electronics.
Whats your bitcoin worth then ?
A thumb drive will be worth more because it could be made into earings or necklaces which could sell for at least $ 5 at the markets to anyone who still had cash. , a hard drive is too big for earings .
door stop or paperweight ?
Disclaimer : If you have bitcoin on an electronic device i suggest you invest in a faraday box or RF shielded case.
I own one of these ;
( i dont own any bitcoin )
Karen from facebook said if you want a cheap protection system you wrap half an inch of bubble wrap around your device , wrap it with 6 layers of alfoil , another half inch of bubble wrap , 6 more layers of alfoil , repeat twice more then put that into a cheap steel toolbox as found at bunny house , the toolbox lid must be closed securely with no gaps around its lid.