Cardiac Arrest.

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I had a double bypass operation in 2012 after a heart attack. After a cup of coffee at 7 am I was walking around and felt my hands grow hot and started tingling.No chest or arm pain,just some indigestion.Spent a week at Bendigo Base before they found a bed for me at a Melbourne hospital. After two days the op started.First phase was shaving my chest which the nurse botched up and the head nurse told me to do it properly myself.I thought I was going to die there due to the bungling.Next the minister came and gave me the last rites and asked if I was frightened.I said NO I was looking forward to it as I did not want to stay in limbo with two stomach injections every day.They wheeled me just outside the theatre and cut a hole in the back of my neck without anesthetic to thread a balloon into the heart to keep it open when the blood supply was diverted to a mechanical pump during the operation.The general anesthetic was given in the theatre and I woke up in the recovery room and after a couple of hours the nurse got me to walk around this large room and I volunteered to to two laps instead of one.After 6 days recovery I was going home next morning when my heart started fibrillating and that night I had a second operation.They stopped my heart and inserted a " boot" into my esophagus to look for blood clots and then restarted my heart. After 2 days I was discharged and had to walk all the way to the car which was exhausting.The previous guy had full health cover and got wheeled out by a male nurse.
Well. off to the specialist tomorrow!It's been like 4 weeks since the heart attack and I'm doing ok! :p Having a devil of a time staying off the **** but I'll keep plugging away. Till I know longer feel the sting for one ;) ]:D Still not doing a lot about the place but that's ok....plenty of time to 'smell the Roses'...'walk the walk and talk the talk'..which is better than pushing up Daisy's! :lol: Hopefully I can begin walking about a lot more and begin regular exercise after I get a green-light from the Specialist! :Y: Cheera tr y's ! Rossco! :cool:
How ya's all goin with the willpower fellas....
a few more years to go yet for me to clock up 30 years smoke free. At this stage you are just a non smoker, there's no fight against a tide/current.... not even vague memories being stired... just nice deep breaths of fresh air with a good interchange of oxygen for CO2 going on for the blood stream.
Believe me.... if I could do it.... you'se all sure can... that's for sure n certain :Y:

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