cannon ball or something else

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Sep 7, 2014
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I found this against a tree not too long ago. It has many flat sides like an octagon was very rusted however since leaving it with copper. Brass items the rust just fell off over a few months. Also beside it are what look like old bullets both have a flat impact mark. Any ideas what gun may have come from and is that a small cannon ball or something else ?
Looks like one to me :cool: could be a shot-put ball though, they are usually 16lbs or 8.8lbs to be competition legal.
its a small cannon ball if it is one wally. you must be getting the dimensions confused. its about 3.5cm cubed
its about the same size as this. civil war cannon ball

That is just size comparison atom rat a smaller cannon ball from civil war. Looks almost identical in size to the one I found

This hand photo is my one. The previous hand post with ring is one I got off the net they look pretty much same in size.
Like my gold, I tend to think things are bigger than they really are. :8

If you found it near a navigatible waterway, you might have scored one, most early ships had a cannon. Not sure if early garrisons in Australia had much need to take one inland.

Only other option I could think of is a grinding ball from a ball mill or a jack from a ball game.
lol :)
yes was found near a navigatible waterway. by a tree facing the ocean so it would make sense it was shot hit a tree and fell. wasnt behind a tree that would cancel out it being should from inland.
thanks billy yes i thought maybe shoptgun pellets
after some research armour piercing cannon balls like this 16th century...
Not sinkers on the smaller ones? Can't tell if there is a hole in them.. though you did mention flat spots? Otherwise the smaller ones I'd maybe presume as being bullet pellets from possibly a shotgun? They seem small enough.

Good find though they are quite interesting to look at :)
amazing to be a cannon ball fom a swivel gun. i wonder whos ship it was from? flinders? cook? im only imagining lol

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