Can anyone identify this car part plz.

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HoudiniHarry said:
Rockhunter62 said:
If it has a 10mm thread on the inside, it would indicate European being metric.



If it is old it would have a BSF or AF thread I believe.


If it is British and before the 1960s it would be a Whitworth Thread. and BSW and BSF, the metric stuff was very rare in the UK until the late 70s early 80s.

Hi all. Just took a picture of the what whatever it is today.
So here it is. Got me stumped.
aussiefarmer said:
Decorative trim from something, fridge or washing machine would be my bet , but could easily be from a big workshop tool like a bender or press.

think ya might be on the right track AF......
ken2 might even be closer.....
Wishfull said:
HoudiniHarry said:
Rockhunter62 said:
If it has a 10mm thread on the inside, it would indicate European being metric.



If it is old it would have a BSF or AF thread I believe.


Looks like a coarse Whitworth thread.

You are correct.
My memory was a little out, from those days I needed 4 types tools. A/F, BSF, Whitworth and metric.

Ah easier these days.
