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Camping on a Mine Lease Qld

Prospecting Australia

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I know where your main objector will come from Gaz... he stopped doing pay to detect in your area a while back too...
Okay a little more info. and thanks for your support. If all goes well with approvells we will have a 25Ha lease to detect and about 1.5Km of alluvial creek to crevice, pan & highbank.
We are going to install toilets and shower blocks for your comfort, So there will be a camping fee to cover costs and my bad habbits Haha!! The lease is near the Palmer River FNQ. This camp will be for Prospectors only !! NO HUNTERS
Sounds good. I am hoping to come up to QLD to do some prospecting. This sounds like a good option. I hope the approvals come through.
I will definitely be in that. I was already trying to work out a Palmer River trip in the not too distant future.
Awesome idea, once set up should be a great way of meeting others over beer under the stars!

Insurance and liability will probably be your biggest issue so worth getting a good, plain english liability waiver written making it clear that everyone takes responsibility for their own actions. There might be a few people on this forum who can offer advice or send you some existing waivers so you could pull one together before having it checked over by a lawyer,.... cut the costs.

100% in favour of what you're putting together.

Hope it goes smoothly.
This is an excellent idea ,and I hope you manage to get it all sorted, I'm very new to this hobby havent even purchased a machine as yet but Ive spent the last few days researching on the net trying to find private held leases that allow detectorists on to there land ,There is only one I found for $100 a week or $25 per day I have to look more into it sitting on this computer does my head in but I like to be prepared. Good Luck.
Great idea... i would also like to start one of my own. Have been doing lots of reasearch but few brick walls. Tourism is the banner i want to teach!!! set up training facility for all the newbies.
Make sure they pick up a piece even if they are planted something to take hm..

Would love to chat if your looking for a partner..

Simmo said:
Hey Diggerman60,
Can you divulge your hurdles thus far???
Its more of a waiting game at the moment! A few application forms and sit back and wait for them to sit on a few desks, let them pass it around a bit, so they can charge me a few more dollars for this and that. Hopefully by Christmas I will see the daylight at the end of the tunnel!!! I still have to deal with 1 that is objecting and negotiations are continuing.
Dave79 said:
LoneWolf said:
Dave79 said:
Awesome idea, hopefully the red tape doesn't get too thick for ya!

Yes, and there will be lots of it... Nothing like a sharp pair of Scissors to slowly work your way through... I found when helping organise a New Event in NSW that having your Local MP on side helps heaps....

Hopefully the the members of parliament have more influence than the mines department in Qld. Not like WA. They are the minesite nazis over there.

Your too right there Dave79. The Mines Dept here have their own set of laws .... & penalties. Like the driving/road rules have an infringement far above (sometimes double) what you cop on a public road!
New updates, Well a few applications have been past around, Environmental (Pasted OK :D ) New water bore (Pasted OK :D ) Lease Boundaries, well I had to redo the lease application (Partial Abandonment) and divide into 2 Leases (more rates, fire levies, ect :( :money: ) to keep my camp where it is and my water bore. Personal negotiations have failed with land owner (land leaser) for the Tourisum side of things. so now we go to advertising in the papers and mail for objections. Knowing we have at least 1 objection it will go to Alternate Dispute Resolution (Mediation) :( and then Land Courts :mad:

I am looking for some help to setup a partisan ! or emails from the Prospecting and Mining community to take to the land courts to show this is what we need for our hobby to continue safely.

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