Big Blue Sign

Prospecting Australia

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Feb 25, 2013
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There is a big blue sign put up on the top of the hill over looking
nuggety gully must of been put up in the last week as i did not see it
last week...NUGGETY GULLY CONSERVATION AREA...i surpose this means
that nuggety gully is now out of bounds...... :mad: :mad:
As far as I was aware it has been under conservation for a while, put in a submission a few months ago when they were looking into what was happening with the area. But upon reading the restrictions that were in place, I noticed (paraphrased)it said that the area was being used and they did not mind but were not going to build up any public facilities or encourage the public to use this area, as it was mostly accessed privatly. Also from memory there was NO mention of NOT allowing prospectors in

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