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Beginner finds please help what are they

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Coin looks like a florin, has it got a reeded outside rim ?
Just soak the coin in water for a while to soften the dirt, then, very gently give it a light brushing or gentle finger wipe under running water, not enough finger pressure to roll any sharp grains of sand against the coin as you wash the dirt away. :Y:
Looks like another penny from my chair, but hope it is a florin for you :p ... that would be awesome
That badge is a cracker :Y:
Would be pride of place in any collection
Well done :Y: :D
Would love to see that Salvo badge cleaned up, pretty much the same deal as what Silver mentioned, just enough to remove the remainder of the soil. Same for the coin, at least the date will give us a clue to the type/age of the site you are detecting. :)
Got a bit carried away with the 2 x coins as after rinsing still couldn't make anything out. Put them in some lemon juice & table salt, coin found yesterday is Old Queen Victoria Penny can only see year 187?.
Queen Victoria Bun Head Penny found the other day year 186? Can make them out better after the lemon juice but they look terrible, have them in olive oil now. Know it's a big no no to clean a coin but didn't see the point in having them not even knowing what they are or being able to see any detail.


Thanks was rapt to find the Salvation Army Badge/Pin gave it a light rinse and rub only after ruining the penny's :( hard to find any info on the pin, but guessing also from 1800"s as after the turn of century Salvation Army Sheild was changed to the red shield. Not sure what it is made out off?


Have found some very old broken smooth old red bricks both underground and on surface.
Bugger it Tally :( that salt and LJ or salt and vinegar is poison to copper ...bummer :rolleyes: only used for certain things ;) :Y:
Next time try soak in oil......leave in the hot sun and the crust might crack off :eek:
Nice hunt.....you'll have to find more now :lol:
Damn it!!! Being a newbie I was so excited to find anything B5MECH rushed into it just so I could see what I had :(
Hope I can find another one
Won't do anything more to the Salvation Army Pin/Badge until I get some advise from you guys :Y: ;)
Anyone know how I can tell what it's made out of or how to clean it further or leave as is?
The badge should be brass maybe silver or chrome plate, hot soapy water and toothbrush first...........if you want it better polish in a brasso
If you want it cleaner use steelwool soap pads gently but not coins...coins are a whole different ball park
These....... not pot scrouers....scotch bright is good to but everything scratches :eek: :mad: :lol:
Always best to Id the find before getting carried away :cool: :Y:
Cheers thanks Ramjet, definately will keep at it, will get out there for a bit today :)

Thanks for the link B5Mech will get some of those soap pads and Brasso, will be good to have them on hand for future finds. Will try soap pad on salvation army pin :Y:
Jeez Tally , if you keep digging up all these old artifacts there'll be none left for future generations

You should replace some. :D
Lol upside :lol: reakon it will take me another 50 years to go over our farm. Will b in my late 80's by then, prob finding stuff I have lost ;)
Can't believe how fast the hours go while out there detecting!
Wow loving metal detecting!!!!

Finds today, think this is a badly damaged harmonica top right of pic, some more big old farming tools? Some weird shiny very light in weight object right hand side of pic, came out of the same hole as something else, not metal anyone have any idea what it is or could be?


My find of the day a Victorian military button could make out the words on it AUT PACE AUT BELLO and found same button at this link
But that's about all I can find, anyone know anymore about it? :Y:

Front next to maybe some old type of washer?




Will take pride of place with the salvation army badge ;)
Good to have a closeup shot of anything anomalous that you would like help to identify too, can help at times, although some things just remain a mystery even then. :/
Everything falls in place over time, just keep note of what you find where, as over time certain finds cause you to follow a line of thought that can lead on to good finds, gotta be a good detective to detect well. Even finding no great find sometimes on a hunt can still help to unveil other mysteries of good worth, everything tells part of a story. :Y:
So addictive Ramjet ;) itching to get out there any chance I get. Can't wait to see what the next find will be.

Silver mystery item will remain a mystery. It was amoungst ash must have been something melted down. Have been finding ash in afew of the holes I dig, not so much on the surface but deep in holes. See what you mean about the detective work, love pulling out the old artifacts, harmonica parts, old farming tools, chains, draft horse shoes. They may not be of value but they are are to me and tell the story of the hard life they had back then.

Although will be rapt to not find anymore nails, shotgun shells :rolleyes:
Cheers Daggy & Grubstake ;)

Had no idea what it was, Daggy yours is much nicer :Y:

Great to have everyone on here helping each other with identifying finds

Thanks all for sharing in my excitement with my newbie finds ;) :) :Y:

Daggy hope I am lucky enough to find a florin nearby too :D

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