Bad backs

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Haven't required an operation on my back but used to suffer severe back pain some years ago. A physiotherapist introduced me to laying on my back on the carpet or a mat and then slide a rolled up towel under arch of back just above pelvis. Lay there for about half an hour. Did this for months and the pain disappeared and has never returned.
It feels uncomfortable at first and have some difficulty with out help getting back up from the floor, but it worked.
Nightjar said:
Haven't required an operation on my back but used to suffer severe back pain some years ago. A physiotherapist introduced me to laying on my back on the carpet or a mat and then slide a rolled up towel under arch of back just above pelvis. Lay there for about half an hour. Did this for months and the pain disappeared and has never returned.
It feels uncomfortable at first and have some difficulty with out help getting back up from the floor, but it worked.

A passive form of lumbar extension

Excellent :) :Y:
100 plus on inversion table :Y:

Best part is that pain relief is almost instant :)
You can feel the pressure relief as your back is unloaded and have never required a drug since using
Well folks,thank you all for your help and suggestions. We went to our local GP again today as Lorraine had a bad night and could hardly walk at all this morning.
He is our family GP and knows Lorraines history inside out, he rang a number of clinics and booked Lorraine in today to have an ultrasound on her hip, suspecting that she may have a bursar or a tear in the muscle over the hip joint (GMR)), turns out the ultrasound did show a fairly nasty bursar and she was given a cortisone injection. Now it's a waiting game to see if it gives her any relief, it can take anywhere between two days and two weeks to see any relief.

Hopefully this and the exercise regimen to strengthen her back and abdominal muscles etc will help to alleviate any further problems

Once again thank you all.
There a pain in the bum tho old bursar,hope the injection settles it.
Back to the old bad backs ,my theory is we used to be monkeys swinging in the trees; hanging upside ,stretching our spine daily.
Since we grew a bigger brains [debateable for some:lol: ] and migrated to the ground ,GRAVITY keeps pulling us down ,compressing our frame causing all sorts of problems.
Back to the trees everyone :lol: :lol:
Best of luck that it helps Lorraine, Manpa.

Sounds like she's in the wars but a tough lady. :flowers:

Thanks Megsy, yes she is tough but it has been getting her down a bit lately, she just can't seem to get a break and get a chance to be pain or injury free.
Hopefully this will work and she will turn the corner.

Things like hip and joint replacements are pretty hard on the body, the mechanics of the work means that there can be major
strains to many tissues, if you have ever seen a surgery like this, it gives you a new sense of why things dont settle quickly.

Pain and not able to support weight, could be anything supporting the joint or nerve paths.

I suffer from a torn sacroiliac joint since early 20's, caused by a vehicle accident.
Many times I was told my spine had to be fused to resolve the pain, my Physio found the issue and suggested I have that checked.

The surgeons were wrong !

Sacroiliac joint holds your spine between your hips, there is one each side, and the Sciatic nerve runs through the cartilage and ligaments
of that joint. The damage I have gives me incredible pain with movement of my lower back twisting as it torques on the pelvis,
and as I apply pressure moving into a step, only down the left side.
OR when I lift weighs and carry them or work supporting my upper body at an odd angle.
Since the accident I have never been completely pain free, but you learn to regulate yourself and have new limits.

Hopefully it is the Bursar that is the only problem and it settles with the cortisone.

I completely understand the pain that can be associated, pain control, anti-inflammatory, valium can all help, but once inflamed that
region is a bugger to live with, and VERY delicate, even bed rest does not just make it go away.

I feel for both of you, sounds like your vet is onto it though. :perfect:

Back problems are the worst, I have some inoperable back issues myself and basically have had to learn to live with it for some 14 years now, the thing is with a back problem is that most people think that you are putting it on and cant believe that you can be in pain all the time, as it can't be seen like if you were bleeding or have a limb missing, so it is very hard to convince people that you are genuinely suffering, my answer to those people is maybe one day might get the same injury and then you can spend some time in my world.

The best that you can do is learn to live with it, do what does not upset the condition and avoid doing anything that does upset it, you really have to know your limits and take it easy when you are feeling bad, I have found that pain and anti inflammatory medication has unacceptable side effects and caused me to end up with stomach and sleep issues as well, so only take pain relief when you absolutely have to, my issue is in the L4-L5 area as well, and it started with a prolapsed disc that was protruding inwards, the top neurosurgeon that I saw just said that he would not touch it for fear of making it worse so his advice was to learn to live with it, I had little choice but to heed his advice, it wont ever get better but its not gotten any worse either.

For you that have partners with back issues give them some support and help where you can, the last thing they need is for someone to be down on them as they already have enough to deal with.


Stayyerau how right you are. Yes people do tend to think your putting it on. I had sciatica years ago. I first noticed it one night looking down at my meal at the table and felt a tightening from my neck down my back to the base of my spine. It then got to the point that I couldn't walk very well and getting spasims as I went to stand up from sitting down. The pain was horrific. I had numbness in my left leg all the way down to my toes. I was a self employed house painter at the time and just couldn't work. I was basically bed ridden for 9 months. I had a hell of a time convincing Drs. I had a severe back problem. I was on valium and a few other horrid drugs to help ease the pain but it just made me grumpy and tired all thehe time.Even my then fatherinlaw ssid "Well at least your consistant with it " I'll never forget that statement. I ended up having a back operation and it yurned out that I gad a ruptured disc and it gad fused to my spinal nerve. The Drs. Gave me 10 years before I had problems again. I started doing exercises daily for years. That was in 1997. I still have to watvh what I do but ...touch wood I have been relatively back pain free since. But I know my limits and I still have a numb spot on my upper thigh. Back pain sucks.
I empathise with everyone on this topic of bad backs, I too have suffered hours of sciatica and had issues with neck joints etc but I say tHis tapping wood, I have not had any issues for probably 5 or 6 years. My brother had major back issues and pain and I fear it is one of the reasons he committed suicide 20 plus years ago.
Stayer au I do agree people think you are putting it on because the injury is not visible, it can mike life a misery for people and unfortunately an ever spiralling cocktail of drugs may be needed to alleviate pain. I think we as a community are becoming better at controlling people's pain.
GH what you say is absolutely correct, Lorraines walking and severe body movements for many years have taken their toll and she is now entering a period of re adjustment and fighting years of muscle memory etc. let alone all the surgeries over the past three years.
I am just relieved to see she is getting some relief this morning, hopefully this will continue.

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