Australian Medical Experiments on Baboons

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Aug 13, 2018
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I don't know about the rest of you, but I personally don't think this is right.
I'm not a vegan, a "Greenie", member of PETA, or a member of the "snowflake" generation. But I personally believe that just because a member of the Hominidae family (that shares roughly 94% the same DNA as us) cannot verbalize its pain, or cannot give its consent to a procedure, it doesn't make it right to use it in medical experiments.

Is it just me, or is this just plain wrong? What do the rest of you think?
far better to do the experiments on actual humans, after all it is the humans that will be using or having the procedures done when they eventually get them right. After all at least a human can tell the experimenters whether it works or hurts or whatever the outcome is supposed to be.

Just look at the "Corona" virus experiment going on right now, no good trying to give animals the vaccination whenever they get one sorted.

cheers dave
What is this poll going to do exactly?

I prefer my life expectancy increase because of meds thankyou to all the animals I suppose.

I would also like to thank all the animals I eat regularly you were/are delicious and I couldn't have done it without you.
Gem in I said:
What is this poll going to do exactly?

I prefer my life expectancy increase because of meds thankyou to all the animals I suppose.

I would also like to thank all the animals I eat regularly you were/are delicious and I couldn't have done it without you.

Polls don't do anything, just measure respondent sentiment. If they weren't welcome the mods would disable the availability of the function on the forum. Most people just ignore them if they're not interested. Try it, exercise your democratic right to ignore it. :D

Also, it's not about "animals" per se, but rather primates specifically. It has nothing to do with whether or not you eat animals or find them delicious (I do too by the way). It's about whether or not our Hominid cousins should be subjected to pain, operations, and experiments that cause them to experience Preclampsia, High blood Pressure, blood clots, fluid on the lungs, death of the mother and her baby, Kidney disease, and premature death.
Gpx5000 said:
They could do medical trials on the crims doing life terms in one of Her Majesties establishments.

At least I'll feel better knowing my tax is going to a worthy cause.
Yeah give them a choice, body or experiment
I love animals and Im a meat eater, so I guess I kind of rank them in a hierarchy.

I couldnt bare the thought of any of the fur babies being experimented on, each with their own love and personality. In fact the cat just went to the Vet last night with snake bite, $2k later, and then knocked off early to go check in while he recovers.

I assume the Baboons must have similar feelings and social abilities and in that sense its easy to condemn their use in experimental purpose.

On the other side though is the need to exploit an organism for structured scientific and medical research, presumably that leads to human outcomes which have a positive influence in human life problems.

If, and its a big if, this is purely maintaining a population for the sole purpose of researching human medical issues, then I have no ethical or moral issue with it. Reading the above article suggests that may indeed be the case. Making that judgement is based upon the preservation and care of human life from an animals suffering, not another humans, and instead of a human suffering.

Strapping a primate into a rocket didnt stop humans dying in spaceflight but it did pave the way for a space program. Again, in my eyes, completely justified. If the needs or suffering of many can be helped or alleviated by a few then I vote yes, especially when its an alternative to human experimentation.

If proper ethics are followed then its merely a moral question and everyone is bound to feel differently for a host of reasons. If they were testing Makeup or a weapon on them, well Id then see that as completely unjustifiable.

On the other hand I am pro capital punishment, pro abortion, pro life sentence without parole, anti cloning and anti AI.
Haven't read any of the posts but heard the BS on the radio today only after the 3rd run of the story on the news bulletin. FFS It's just a complete beat up to suggest anything other than the original bulletin, ****** just being ******s
What is/was the real version......
Got 3 baboons
1 male, 2 females
Running around a hospital...
Test subjects
Male getting his jewels cut off
And a health minister making a public comment of it...
What parts are people deeming as facts, and not so
I for one am not going to take the word of a politician as fact, nor media.
Waiting to see the show of hands from members "volunteering" for terminal experiments for the benefit of their fellow man.

I bet there will be a lot of......use the.......people, they won't mind.

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