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Have we stalled again on this thread?
John Fleming appears to have been known and to have died of old age:xcvator said:John Blake
Myall Creek near Bingara was the site of one of the worst incidents in Australia's history in which up to 30 Aborigines were massacred by European settlers on 10th June 1838. After two trials, seven of the 12 settlers involved in the killings were found guilty of murder and hanged. The case led to significant uproar among sections of the population and the media, sometimes voiced in favour of the perpetrators.
John Fleming, the leader of the massacre, was never captured, and was allegedly responsible for further similar massacres throughout the Liverpool Plains and New England regions. John Blake, one of the four men acquitted at the first trial and not subsequently charged, committed suicide in 1852. His descendants say that they like to think he did so out of a guilty conscience.
MegsyB007 said:In 1797 coal was discovered at the mouth of the Hunter (or Coal) River in NSW by Lieutenant Shortland, and in this case, the deposits being more easily worked than the coal discovered in the cliffs southward of Point Solander earlier that year, it was not long before they were utilised, and a township sprang up which is now the port of one of the greatest coalfields in the world? That's Newcastle...