Australian History

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Similarly 'fossick', which now means 'to rummage or search around or about', has its origin on the goldfields. The word fossick comes from British dialect where it meant 'to obtain by asking, to ferret out'.

On the goldfields it had two meanings: ... 'to steal gold from other diggers, especially from an unattended claim' ...The transferred usage was often ironic: 'If one in want of a dinner called at his neighbour's tent at mutton time he would be a fossicker'. But it is the first meaning which has survived into contemporary Australian English.
Australian National Dictionary Centre, Gold


Doug,Doug,Doug, you should know by now that I'm more devious than to have an easy answer like that ]:D
The minority group were doing something similar to bush rangers, but it was legal :eek:

1. police officer; 2. profit or gain: He could sell it now and make a cop out of it"; "taking a cop; 3. catch out doing something illegal; bust: copped us nicking apples; 4. receive or obtain: cop a feel; copped a gong; 5. accept resignedly; put up with: Would you cop a deal like that?; 6. be allotted; receive: She copped more than her fair share"; "cop a fine of $200"; "he dished it out and he copped it; 7. steal (Old English coppian - lop, steal)

Is this any closer xcvator


Would it be to do with

" Buying a Furphy " ?

Have heard 2 different stories 1 / a Furphy water tank from Shepparton in 1850 's was a poor copy of a Murphy tank
2/ a mob was selling poor quality beer around the goldfields brewed in a Furphy tank which made
everyone crook ?
The clues so far

I am an expression from the mid 18th century

I came about because of the actions of a very small minority

The minority group were doing something similar to bush rangers, but it was legal

but what they were trying to do had a few people spewin

The person that actually coined the phrase had a habit of referring to himself in the 3rd person in his writings

with noble ambitions

New clue
You really have to peer into the clues and hints
would it be by chance the practice of forced labour by unscruplous sea captains..'Pressed 'into service, Blackbirding or being 'SHANGHAI-ED.

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