Australian History

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That is a bloody well worded question before I even go near Google. LOL
Must admit, The subject sounds very familiar. ;)
Hay Duck,
You've done it again.
I have 6 escapees and only 3 names. Buckley, Charles Shaw who was shot, and MAllender who returned and surrendered.

On the 27th of December 1803, one of these escapes took place. At 9 p.m. six convicts endeavored to make their escape, of whom Buckley was one. They were beset by a look-out party, and one man was shot. His name was Charles Shaw. The next night great fires were seen at a distance, and were supposed to he lit by the runaways. On the 6th of January a search was made, the worthy chaplain himself armed and assisting, but without any effect. The colony became alarmed. The absence of four men in the bush was a bad example. The next day the drums beat to arms, and a select body of marines were sent in pursuit of the fugitives; but though they were tracked for fifty miles, they could not be discovered. Believing that the absconders had died in the bush, the commandant was satisfied, and refrained from further exertions. On the 16th of January, one of the party, named MAllender, came in and surrendered, giving up a gun which he had stolen. He said that all the others had died or been lost in the bush. This intelligence was for the colonists satisfactory, and in four days the occurrence was almost forgotten.
I to came across this story in my search as well and enjoyed reading it a lot, but I had "Buckley's" finding the names of the other 3 convict's that escaped with William Buckley ;) Thanks Duck
Don't quote me but I think these are the names of the other 3 convicts with William buckley when he escaped from camp, Goerge Pye , Pritchard , M Warner ;)

Saturday, 31. a.m.Moderate breezes and clear. At 6 p.m. the thermomiter 75. No information respecting the deserters from the camp. At 7 Capt. Merthew, of theOcean transport, calld upon me. Great fires made at a distance from the camp; supposed set on fire by the party that escaped from the camp. At 10 we see a native fire across the bay, on the N.W. side of it, towards the lagoon; the natives were very distinctly observed by the fire. The people employd loading the Ocean transport. Two soldiers of the R. Marines taken up and carried to the guard house accusd of mutany. Deserters from the camp, convictsMac Allennan, George Pye, Pritchard, M. Warner, Wm. Buckley; Charles Shaw, wounded and brought to the camp; Page, taken same time when Shaw was shot, G. Lee, and Wm. Gibson . . .

Source: Excerpt Historical Records of Port Phillip: The First Annals of the Colony of Victoria Edited by John J. Shillinglaw published 1879
That's ok Duck, I mainly just like searching for the answers as I have yet to learn the art of delivering a good question :lol: anyway I am always up for a good read so thanks once again for that, just so we are all on the same page here its still your turn Backcreek ;)
Sorry for the delay People. (see how I refrained from any gender specific references, no guys, no girls, no boys, no men, no women)
Thank you Cheltenham GIRLS' High School LOL. What is this place coming to? This is PC gone stark raving M.A.D.

I had a mate say to me today instead of calling him "mate" he wants to be called "Attack Helicopter" Hehehehe. He wanted to be called something cool rather than something like "Fond Acquaintance"

"Deserters from the camp, convictsMac Allennan, George Pye, Pritchard, M. Warner, Wm. Buckley; Charles Shaw, wounded and brought to the camp; Page, taken same time when Shaw was shot, G. Lee, and Wm. Gibson "

I make the above 8 Deserters all up. Hmmm Sum Ting Wong!

Anyhow I'll have a go if Greencheeks is unwilling. I'll start off very general and see how we go.

The person I'm thinking of was born in Eastern Europe in the late 1800's.
Although well known, this individual is not very well known for the event they performed in the early 1900's here in Austraya.

Who is the person and what was the event?
Wow Bob,
I put a lot of thought into phrasing that question. I tried to make the question as vague as possible hoping to get a good run out of it and you get it first go.
Oh well, your go buddy.
Thanks Backcreek.
I asked a question about Harry Houdini last year so your clues just fitted what I already knew.

I hate that too when you put a lot of time an effort into writing a question only to have someone give straight away.

Ill be back with a question soon
Would it be when Australia started to erect fences on a wide scale forcing aboriginal people away from their traditional land and food sources like what I cut and pasted from this link
The widespread introduction of galvanised iron fencing in the 1870s saw many pastoral leases fenced, gated and patrolled. This greatly reduced the capacity of Aboriginal people from accessing their traditional land and food sources; effecting great dislocation and disruption. (See example in NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change, Yuraygir National Park Contextual History , p. 19)

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