AtomRats Detector Findings

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Yes mate they are nasty're lucky. They apparently kill more Tasmanians they any other creature (snakes, spiders etc...). I've been stung a couple of times and the term "red hot needle" would be accurate.
Gday mate :) I must missed your introduction comments when you first joined! Certainly can be little buggers. The bigger 'bulldog' ants don't even make this much of a mark..just an itchy small lump. Its only slightly gone down overnight :( but no where near as itchy or painful to walk on :D
That's a very nasty reaction AR, did you get any tingling lips or throat constriction? If you did you will need to get an Epi-Pen as it looks like you may be allergic to them, usually allergies to Jack Jumpers will get worse each time you get stung. Anyway be careful mate, they can be deadly to some people, like really deadly kill you in 5 minutes type deadly.

Doesn't look like your too allergic but still a nasty reaction.
Yeah. More attacks = less immunity and risk of anyphylaxsis? which I don't get yet but my next severe attack like this could be. Just gotta watch your feet. Ill go take a photo of the nest..might as well to show yall. Dont worry..I won't get bit :p

As I had mentioned Heatho, this is the 5th attack I've had from a swarm, each time I've swollen massively like right hand and arm was attacked by another 50 or so after I reached for a stump climbing up a hill. The bark broke and without looking I'd put my hand right in the middle of a rippa of a nest and suffered many bites again :(

Brachan fern works well as a temporary treatment ( which is what I used to finish my day of detecting of course! ) and wasn't till I got home when I realised I hadn't copped 2 or three bites but a full on attack of many resulting in this much swelling. I'm glad I'm not allergic though.. I'd be at the hospital by now otherwise. There's quite a few chopper rescues for ant bite victims this way, mostly children too.
Detected this mess in a paddock out at mums 2 weeks ago and thought I'd try the puzzle over the past 24 hours. Any info from anyone? I'm pretty sure its lead and don't think its steel otherwise the detector wouldn't have picked it and all the little bits up..but not positive.

On the stock is M-888

Most likely an old toy though. Enjoy :)



It's probably zinc die cast, lead is too maleable, soft and heavy to make toys guns from, especially with moving parts (swing forward barrel to access cylinder). Just having a search to see if I can come up with something similar. :)
Its certainly not flexible like yet but heavy and also well oxodised and I can't find any 'pure' metal sign to identify it. Even fresh breaks just looks grey black rusted. Cheers, I failed with finding anything and gave up on google with soo many models and images of guns lol. I hoped the m888 would define a bit but not really :(
Thanks PDU!! Gotta save what we can :)

Lol @ must been on the pages I was looking at toi haha

Just noticed I'm pretty sure the barrel or anither part is upside my re-assemble isn't completely accurate..but if I turned it up what seems the correct way.. then it really looks wrong. I don't know what's going on unless there were two guns, but u doubt that as I detected a fair rafius around the hole I dug this from
AtomRat said:
Its certainly not flexible like yet but heavy and also well oxodised and I can't find any 'pure' metal sign to identify it. Even fresh breaks just looks grey black rusted. Cheers, I failed with finding anything and gave up on google with soo many models and images of guns lol. I hoped the m888 would define a bit but not really :(

No luck here either, could be a non descript foreign brand of sorts. Toy guns were made in that many different countries back when playing cowboys & indians was still an acceptable activity for kids. ;)
good on ya goldpick, now AR can come have a detecting session with me....... and 'show me' how to use the old coinmaster 5000 i have :lol:

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