What a great day today was and only just returned off the bus recently. When I first got to this spot, I started swinging the detector along the grass I've hit b4 with other detectors ( after today ill call it flogged..I've even removed all alloy signals. As I was moving along..I'd only gone about 20m...looked up ..and bugger me. A bloke swinging a stick who I don't know heading straight towards me no less than 5m away! We were that engorged and not expecting it we both had a fright. Well he was a bit of a shy bloke, running an etrex? type machine ( that sounds like a gps..mabey I got it wrong ) anyway.. so I thought I'd save his time and take him for a walk to where I last got aome oldies. I could tell he was either quiet / shy...or he knew damn well what he was up to.. something suss was in his eye anyway. So I showed him exactly the spot and let him have a swing with me 15m away. Poor bloke I recon thinks I was having him on because he didn't get signals and he was kinda slyishly sneak off which was even more odd. Since he moved where I said to dig.. I went over to the spot and pulled the 1939 half penny and showed him, which made his eyes light up and an attitude change. I don't know what was with this bloke but I hope our encounter was a good one and meet again. He certainly knew what he was doing. Filling plugs, trying slit cuts where he could in the crab grass, and leaving his hole unspottable. Just the type of bloke I like. Its why I straight away will take him somewhere good..but that backfired I think..oh well. I know where he will be digging when he gets back there
I uploaded the scope vid early while I had some battery on the phone. Finally started to find objects where they should be for a change. Its where I found the items around the coins, all from river scoping. No snorkel today as it was a little fresh.
Got back home to find a parcel, opened it up and my missus gave me a real funny look as I held this 'vibra wand' in my hand posted from another awesome member on the forum. :lol: Threw in a battery and tested it out in the garden. Found me my $1 I planted without looking no problem at all. Straight away I see its sensitive to all metals but that is fine. Cheers heaps mate

it came quicker than I thought as it said it was stuck in postal for a few days. Very happy now that I can make my holes even smaller again than what they are. Sorry for a write up..just telling the story as it is. Was a rather sad day detecting but the sun on my back was a bit too strong directly as I've hit most shade areas already.
Sandta - cheers mate..I've used it for a couple of years now. Sometimes even looking for gems it works. L.e.d's would be perfect for when there is no sunlight on the water. Withought light..the scope is useless. Its a decent length but the river gets to 2m or more deep, so ill need lights anyway.
Cheers numpty + silver, kids obviously can't complain about a day at the river haha they had a ball. They love the scope too as they can see the blue crays. Sorry if theres many typos..I havnt re-read this..just posting. Need to replebish for digging with XIV tomorrow