Sandbagger said:
You astro nuts might enjot this
Baz it looks like your observatory is in a residential street , what was council like with the application , and how did neighbours respond ?
Mine will be built out of sight on a rural block but just curious if they sent you a box of red tape when you applied ?
I tried to register at Astro forums but two of them are almost dead from spambots , IceinSpace and skysearcher didnt approve me yet.
Does anyone here know if there are telescopes around the world that people can make an online booking to log in over a network connection and view images live , have control over the axis computer and download / save images viewed ?
I was thinking of doing that with mine when its set up so it generates income in my off time if I am working / sleeping.
What would people pay per 60 minute block for access to a good scope ?
It would need a rain detector to close the dome in case of precipitation and an online weather status app to indicate viewing conditions.