Another bloody Heart attack.

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10 years for me now. Its paid for my Webster twin fisher easy. Bought it the day I gave up.
Mum died from Lung cancer as did my Nana. Not me I say !!!
Love a durrie and still miss it but lets face it, THEY KILL YOU.

GT :awful: :N: ]:D :skull:
Yep, smoking is not even politically correct anymore - you can't ask to 'bum a ***" these days.
Although I hear smokers stand a better chance of surviving after a potentially lethal snake bite, as the nicotine has similar effects to some snake venom and hardens the heart.
Maybe I'll also give them away this trip - after getting bitten by a snake:(
I don't know how I missed this thread, but I did.

Good on you Reefer, it's hard to give up, that's for sure.

I grew up a smoker - dad used to smoke 4 or 5 packets of Rothman's a day. If he could have worked out how to smoke in the shower in the morning he would have died a happy man.

I still enjoy the smell of a cigarette, and its been more than 25 years since I gave 'em away.
As an ex smoker, pipe, gave it up 20 years ago when the specialist said he spent every Tuesday of his surgical career cutting peoples tongues out, I gave up that day, 3rd March 1999 a day I will never forget.
I am your worst type of non-smoker, hate the smell of it or people talking to me after a *** and the smell on clothing.
Smokers dont smell it but everyone else does.
My Dad was like yours Doc, he never had a rollie out of his mouth even when shaving in the morning.
Off my soapbox now, sorry.
I always remember my old man outraged when a pack of Alpine went up to 42 cents a pack. He gave up just a few years later in disgust at the rip-off of a man just enjoying a smoke, and luckily for him he's still hanging in there at nearly 89 years of age. Thank god they kept putting the price up as I don't think he would have bothered doing it for his health.
I remember a few years back now, a bloke would come to me after every budget and ask for a pay rise because the price of ciggies had gone up.
So I sat down with him and asked how many he and his misses smoked a day on average and he told me that she smoked twice as much as him.
I worked it out that combined , they were blowing $15,000 a year and that didnt include the 8 stubbies a night.
I really felt concerned for him as there was no way out because the entire family smoked, kids to.
Last year he off work for many months with one thing and another including lung and heart issues but that doesnt stop the smoking to this day. I have come to the conclusion that some just cannot give up and are prepared to suffer the consequences.
Hi reefer,i am with duck i still like the smell of ciggie smoke, I still get that tinge every now and then,stay strong mate you will beat it,i think of all the goodies i can buy with the ciggie money, my next buy is a crazy crusher from gold rat, stay strong reefer :Y: ps only 2 1/2 weeks of ciggie money to save and the goodies are on there way :D
Wow!...the very beautiful and mysterious Romina!... :inlove: :heart: :flowers: :cool: So long since I've heard from you my friend!...yes still not smoking...and it's still not getting any easier....but I am breathing really well...eating like a maniac! and hopefully going out for a swing come the 22nd...if my heart Ehco-cardiograph tomorrow the 17th. displays all the right numbers and stuff. Other than that I am feeling well and hope you too are's been way too long since we kicked back and hung-out by a fire somewhere :cool: .

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