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Jul 9, 2024
Reaction score
Gold Coast, Qld
Hi everyone

I just happily stumbled upon this website while looking for some info about rough diamonds.

I have found a bunch of what I suspect are rough diamonds of various sizes and colours. I suspect I have found alluvial, red and black diamonds while fossicking around Stannifer/tingha/Inverell areas earlier in the year.

I'm looking for some advice on correctly identifying my little treasures. So far I've attempted the at home methods of testing and also bought a diamond tester ( although I think I may need to invest in a better quality one)

I welcome any advice or tips as I just want to learn more.

If confirmed diamonds I would also like to sell some after potentially having them cut.

Em the rock fairy
Hi Geoff, thanks for that, I'll take some tonight or tomorrow and post them
Please try and take pics using backlighting, so that colour and transparency can be seen. On top of a torch can work well (with a sheet of white paper between the stones and the torch if necessary to reduce glare).
I think you might be restricted on what you can post before you have 10 posts. You might not be able to post photos at this point?

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