age of bullet?

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Its a pin fire cartridge obsolete short lived inovation by a french inventorpatented I think about 1830 - 1835 ?
Used mosly in revolvers up until the 1835 -60 Made obsolete by the rim fire cartridge in the early 1860s
I beleive they were one of the first fully functional cartridges that contained percussion cap powder and shot in a single preloaded package. They were breach loaded instead of muzzle loaded. The pin on the side of the cartridge was struck to ignite the powder.
AtomRat said:
Ok hold up.What's with detecting these sort of bullets from a church. I've detected two local at churches. Why?

Big congrats on the find roo roo, I remember when I found my first too in the middle of the grass field just bhind the church.
I think you will find atom that Churches in the past were the focal points of local communities and a place that brought people together for celebrations like weddings funerals christenings etc
This is only speculating here, but criminals might have also used them as places to seek refuge and then negotiate surrender through the intercedence of the priest or pastor.
nucopia said:
I have a friend that lives in Chickamouga GA
In 1863 the Union and Confederate armies fought in the battle of Chickamouga one of the biggest battles of the civil war.
My friend took me around all the battle sites and i came across a mini ball round out in the field.
The whole area is designated a national park/ cemetary and protected area , so no one is allowed to metel detect or remove any historical items they find.
A muzzle loaded and riffled 1861 Springfield (Union troops) used the minie ball which were of the caliber .58 inches or 15mm.
Unlike smooth bore muskets that used round shot , the minie ball fired at a higher velocity and tended to pass through a target instead of lodging in the flesh. If the minie ball encountered bone, it would do horrific damage to the bone and often resulted in amputation of limbs for a wound that a musket ball would often only require removal of the shot.
You know you projectiles Nucopia! I've got a minie ball pretty much the same as your picture found on Mookerawa diggings. Do you collect them?
i used to collect military badges weapons ammo gear. Etc when I was in the army but over the years and with all the moves , I have lost or got rid of every thing.
Plus its hard to collect and keep things with the restrictions and jumping through hoops with regs now days.
You need a shooters licence just to keep or collect live ammunition here in Australia let alone own even an air rifle ???
Over sea's in my house and on the farm, I have several weapons a welther PPK , a locally made 4 shot 22 revolver that is small enough to keep in my pocket and also a shot gun and a couple of rifles.

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