I have a property not far from Majors Creek NSW, with basically the same geology. The property has a quartz vein extending across it for some 400 metres above the surface and under a hill where it disappears. At its most eroded extent it is about 50cm above the surface and eroded components of the vein extended only some ten metres downslope of the vein, which I think indicates that the vein has not been above the surface for too long. There is mineralisation along the observable length of the vein with some major quartz veins and stockworks along it. I have had rock samples from the vein assayed and it came back 2.2 g/t Silver and 0.1 g/t Gold. The only method I used in collecting rock samples was to pick the most mineralised I could find on the surface or up to 30cm subsurface after breaking through weathered rock. I had tried crushing some similar samples and found only a very small gold which I recall appeared wiry and which at the time I put down to contamination from panning in the nearby Shoalhaven River. More recently I have done more research and learned that gold tends to form in certain parts of a vein, particularly where the vein meets with the altered country rock, so I went back to the vein and gathered some more samples. I crushed a very small amount, a handfull and panned out the attached (which are magnified up to 200x). I am certain they are not contamination this time, but the gold does bear a striking similarity to alluvial gold in the nearby Shoalhaven River - perhaps being from the same geology?
Can anyone with prior experience of gold in granite / quartz veins tell me whether the gold in the attached photo looks like the kind of stuff crushed and panned? I have read that vein gold should be more "nuggety" or rough, but a couple of these pieces appear flat, which could also be a result of the sledge hammer i suppose.... I look forward to hearing from anyone with experience in this, and what steps I should take next. Although it is not enough gold to even weigh, it is literally from only a small handful of rocks - if it is not contamination that is!. Thanks.
Can anyone with prior experience of gold in granite / quartz veins tell me whether the gold in the attached photo looks like the kind of stuff crushed and panned? I have read that vein gold should be more "nuggety" or rough, but a couple of these pieces appear flat, which could also be a result of the sledge hammer i suppose.... I look forward to hearing from anyone with experience in this, and what steps I should take next. Although it is not enough gold to even weigh, it is literally from only a small handful of rocks - if it is not contamination that is!. Thanks.