Did something similar when living in high country Victoria years ago. Rang poly along an old miners race to move water to a hydraulic ram to pump water to our tank for the house. Hard yakka.
reefer said:Not as silly as it first seems Doug.. .but even that would be 'mechanical' would it not?...what about a bucket parade ] ....
We just GOTTA' win this one!!... . makes me really pee'd off!
Just off topic slightly Doug ] I cannot get a confirmation of my NAPFA PAYMENT and receipt thereof!!...could you intercede on my behalf(when it is convenient)..I have enquired by email..given the appropriate details..alas to no avail!, ] ] Rossco
I feel naked without my CURRENT MEMBERSHIP CARD! HEHE! ]
Talon said:We imported a Gold Hog this year. Very impressed and can recommend. They find lots of fine gold (and big stuff). We have used the pipe mechanism for other purposes, but on the Hog we run a 15,000 ltr an hour submersible pump from Bunnings via our generator in the ute which keeps the fridges cold and charges the batteries. Double whammy. Doc from Gold Hog makes some excellent movies and explains everything pretty clearly.We're looking for more places in north Queensland where it can be used.
I've been busy in the shed building a steam engine and restoring a double-action piston water pump.
Gunter said:Hey guys,
Can one use a high Banker on private property ?
Im guessing one can , as no body should have access to tell you off !
Bought a piece of land on shoalhaven river , and would be devo , if not allowed highbanking !!