I just got back from an urgent service call to Batemans Bay.
320 Klm's return journey for 10 minutes work. Gotta Love that one. LOL
Many, Many Thanks to all who have posted and taken note of this wondrous achievement.
Yes, I am noodling on another meetup down this neck of the woods near Narooma so keep an eye on happenings over the next few weeks. It was a bit to late for me to suss out the area so I am going to take a newbie who actually has joined the forum but not made his presence felt yet but time will tell.

May there be many more happy moments when we meetup again and above all,
Keep the dream alive folk's and in the not to distant future we plus others will meet in face again.
Gold Target and DWT, I take a few weeks off fishing over in SA and next time I go, You guy's are in the firing line. I have relo's on my Mum's side the Grimmetts who still live in Tarnagulla and Larnacourie so it is only a small world my friends.
Cheers and how did you know I have big ears. PMSL