Nightjar said:Ground balancing is important and I'm with the majority who do it away from any target.
Why would you want to test a signal anyway by ground balancing directly over it?
Dig every target What's the hurry?
The direct ground balancing must be the reason I have dug nuggets up to 18 grams in holes that have been left open.
My mate signaled me to come over to him one day. In front of him was a small diameter old hole over a foot deep, he had scraped out the leaves and a layer of dirt to clean hole. He poked his elliptical coil into the hole and there was a positive faint signal. Opened the hole up and the signal was screaming. He joined the ounce club that day. ickshovel:
Some silly sole walked away from $1500.00 probably because he ground balanced over the target or he was too damn lazy to keep digging?
Umm that was probably me lol..