I must say there is nothing more annoying than watching people accessing social media at all the wrong times, crossing the road, driving, whilst at a restaurant with the company of REAL friends, even teenagers messaging each other whilst sitting right next to each other.
It's nothing more than an addiction, just as are things like poker machines, drugs etc, and there is withdrawal associated with it. I chose not to resort to social media, as I personally see it as a thinly veiled concept of personal information collection for people with other motives at hand - if you have to use the technology, use it sparingly and stay in control. 270 friends on facebook means nothing in the real world, treat them as contacts rather than friends, with no feeling of obligation to share every living second of your life with them. It's sad when the only posts you see on facebook are "friends" sharing their facebook game scores, hoping that someone actually gives a hoot, or to recgonise that you are still alive in cyber world. Sad indeed.
I still believe that age related bans should be place on any child under a certain age from owning or using mobile phones or tablets, under the premise that parents need to know every move their child makes, with continuous contact. In today's paranoid world, parents are heavily marketed such devices, when they should in fact live their lives growing up as any child would in previous decades. Yes there is a time and place for such technology, but it should be strictly controlled, and not be used as an excuse for bad parenting.
One classic example I remember in Adelaide, is the woman who was pushing a pram along a pathway near the Torrens river. She stopped to text friends, left the foot brake off, and within seconds the pram was on its way into the river, completely oblivious to the mother. Fortunately it was caught in time, but ultimately the blame from the mother went to the Adelaide council for not having appropriate fencing along the river to prevent such a tragedy.
To think she had the gall to put the blame on anyone else but herself is just crazy, when it was plain and simple, bad parenting, nothing more. How could a parent possibly put texting a friend a priority over caring for her child is beyond me???
Twitter, well I simply wouldn't touch that with a 40 foot barge pole.