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A golden opportunity - if you're not too late. Abandoned Leases. DAY DAWN, MT MAGNET AND YALGOO DISTRICTS..

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Philip & Sandra Box
Oct 10, 2014
Reaction score
Cue, WA
Sorry guys & Gals, I typed this after Happy Hour ;)

Fix this textIn last Tuesday's is?uo of THE TIMES
ire published an extract from a pamphlet
issued by tho Mines Department and
giving particulars of eaneolled gold mining
leaBes which have produced gold and
which are at present available for taking
tip.. An introduction is written by Mr.
James Thomson, the veteran journalist
who was once resident on the Murohison.
Appended are Mr. Thomson's comments
concerning tho abandoned leasee of Day
Dawn, Mt. Magnet and Yalgoo districts:—
Da; Dawn District.
Day Dawn, for many years a great
gold-producing centre, presents a list of
45 abandoned leases all of which have
helped to swell the yield. From these
leaBes 13,592 tons have yielded 14,696oz,
and in addition a considerable amount
of alluvial and dollied gold has been won
from them, but ilit recorded. Day Dawn
possessed the Great Fingall, for some
time one oi the richett gold mines in the
world, but at one period of i'E existence
rc-construction was nccossary in order to
carry on operations. Oiiginally known
as the Day Dawn and worked by a company
of which the late W. B. Wilson
was the principal shareholder, the mice
proved somewhat disappointing and trade
such serious inroads on the capital that
liquidation appeared imminent. Eventully
athe property passed under the eontrol
of a new company with Bewick, Moreing
and Co, as engineers and managers
A vigorous policy of development led to
the mine being opened at great depths
with the result that over a million and
three-quarters sterling has been paid in
dividends, and the country thoroughly
esp'-cred to a depth of over 2.000 feet.
Needless to say tint tho Great Fingall
does not appear io tho lift of abandoned
leaser, but its history affords a highly
useful lesson and should go far to
strengthen other leaseholders in. thtir
determination to thoroughly test their
holdings. Almost within the shadows
oast by the lofty poppet beads of the
Great Fingall min?, a small party of
working miners recently started operations
on some ground abandoned by men who
had rushed off to a fresh find. Tbe newcomers
in a few days obtain d about 200
tons which they despatched It rail to the
State battery at Lennonville and BIBO
bagged another 82 tens which -yielded
Coz per to.''. For a long time these men
worked the ground at considerable profit
and it is only fair to aseuuie that other
abandoned areas would prove equally
profitable it utilised in the same fashion.
Tbe Kinsella (179D) abandoned since
1908, was considered a mine of great
promise, and although it h is so far proved
disappointing, there aro many well acquainted
with the district who believe
that tbe property will yet prove of valne.
The returns show that 156oz were obtained
from 106 tons, but at various
stages of its career a very muoh larger
quantity of gold must heve boon obtained.
Before being arquired by the first company
the ground was exceedingly rich
and tbe owners were indifferent on the
subject of partiDg with their interest
Its OIOBO proximity to the Groat- Fingall,
ess than a couple of miles separating
t h em, may perhaps lead to the esplor
stion of the Kinsella at greater depth
The Trenton (148D) obtained 5,522-z
from 7,748 tons, but (ho values cut cut,
snl tbe lease with all its expensive development
work, is now opon (or re
selection. Among others in tbe same
list is the Mount Fingall, cru?hings from
which returned l,071oz, from 1,735 tons,
and tbe Southdown, 605oz frt m 333 tons.
Another lease with a good record is the
Yalgoo (12D) which gave 806. z from 720
Both on tho I.-land and the Mainland,
only a few miles from Pay Dawn, witb
whioh it is connected by rai'.way, some
leases witb rich returns to their credit
have born abandoned. Ona oi them, the
New Orient, }ielded 3,151oz from 731
tons, and tbe Mainland Eureka dollied
and crushed SSloz from ISO tons. The
Chicago 8bamrock rewarded its owners
with 388 z from 08 tons, in addition to
69 z obtained by dollying. Th.se and
similar returns suggest that a good op
portuoity is presented in many partB of
tbe Murchison which have hitherto received
only scant attention.
Mt. Magnet District
There are 83 abandoned leases in the
whole tf the Mt. Magnet district, which
uibraces Lennonville, Mount Magnet
East, Moyageo, aud Mouut Magnet itself.
From~tbes3 leases 18,240ozs have been
obtained from 18,769 tons, practically an
ounce per ton. A majority of tbe leases
are in tbe Lennonvillo area and Bonn of
them have given very high result?. The
Golden Gem crushed 1,079 tons for 1,547
DZ9, besides 170o:',a dollied gold. Among
ethers with good records are tbe L'rooklyn
334 tons for 427oz ; the Haeramai, 231
tons for 231ozs; Perseverance, 286 tons
for 375ozs ; Sullivan's Dunlop 647 tons
for 565ozs, and the Yule Tide, from
which 3o5:zs wore do'lied. A wonderfully
rich lease, the Welcome, produced 3,781
ozs from 2,146 tons, and in addition, 2,431
ozi of dollied gold, but to-day it appears
in the abandoned list. Considering that
it was ttumMed upon in tho bush away
from other workings eome vigorous
searching in the same loci'ity might pro
duce equally sensational results. There
is a revival in Mount Magnet mining,
several leases on which working was long
discontinued having been taken up witb
en ourBglug results. The Morning Star,
which fell to a low ebb, has been acquired
by new owners, who are energetically
opening up the mine at lower depths than
any previously attained, and so far the
results are highly encouraging. The
same may be said of the St. George and
other propcriif B, SO that ihe disappearance
of several leases from tbe present list
may ba ezpsoted. The Eclipse, for
example, with a return of 773ozs from
400 tons and the Surprise (413M), 658JZS
from 162 ton?, appear tompting enough
to induce full inquiry.
Yalgoo Goldfie'.d.
In the Yalgoo field which embraces
Field's Find, Gullowo, Messenger's Patch
p~ .j. Eotb3Byi Wadgingerra and
v™. Jn addition to Ya'goo itself, there
Yu'.n, in addition to Ya'goo itself, there
are 23 leases that have been worked and
abandoned and from which l,828ozs were
obtained from 2,871 tons, With onlj
three or four exceptions comparatively
little work bas been done on these leases,
the most nrtewjrthy being tbe Msrloo
(548), which yielded 293OZJ from 39 tons,
228 zt bang do'liel gold. The famous
Emerald mine, which at one time y : .olde-.t
six and seven ounces per ton, an 1 was
unworked for several years, has been
resuscitated under new manigement, and
already the prospects are de idedly
Sorry guys & Gals, I typed this after Happy Hour ;)

Fix this textIn last Tuesday's is?uo of THE TIMES
ire published an extract from a pamphlet
issued by tho Mines Department and
giving particulars of eaneolled gold mining
leaBes which have produced gold and
which are at present available for taking
tip.. An introduction is written by Mr.
James Thomson, the veteran journalist
who was once resident on the Murohison.
Appended are Mr. Thomson's comments
concerning tho abandoned leasee of Day
Dawn, Mt. Magnet and Yalgoo districts:—
Da; Dawn District.
Day Dawn, for many years a great
gold-producing centre, presents a list of
45 abandoned leases all of which have
helped to swell the yield. From these
leaBes 13,592 tons have yielded 14,696oz,
and in addition a considerable amount
of alluvial and dollied gold has been won
from them, but ilit recorded. Day Dawn
possessed the Great Fingall, for some
time one oi the richett gold mines in the
world, but at one period of i'E existence
rc-construction was nccossary in order to
carry on operations. Oiiginally known
as the Day Dawn and worked by a company
of which the late W. B. Wilson
was the principal shareholder, the mice
proved somewhat disappointing and trade
such serious inroads on the capital that
liquidation appeared imminent. Eventully
athe property passed under the eontrol
of a new company with Bewick, Moreing
and Co, as engineers and managers
A vigorous policy of development led to
the mine being opened at great depths
with the result that over a million and
three-quarters sterling has been paid in
dividends, and the country thoroughly
esp'-cred to a depth of over 2.000 feet.
Needless to say tint tho Great Fingall
does not appear io tho lift of abandoned
leaser, but its history affords a highly
useful lesson and should go far to
strengthen other leaseholders in. thtir
determination to thoroughly test their
holdings. Almost within the shadows
oast by the lofty poppet beads of the
Great Fingall min?, a small party of
working miners recently started operations
on some ground abandoned by men who
had rushed off to a fresh find. Tbe newcomers
in a few days obtain d about 200
tons which they despatched It rail to the
State battery at Lennonville and BIBO
bagged another 82 tens which -yielded
Coz per to.''. For a long time these men
worked the ground at considerable profit
and it is only fair to aseuuie that other
abandoned areas would prove equally
profitable it utilised in the same fashion.
Tbe Kinsella (179D) abandoned since
1908, was considered a mine of great
promise, and although it h is so far proved
disappointing, there aro many well acquainted
with the district who believe
that tbe property will yet prove of valne.
The returns show that 156oz were obtained
from 106 tons, but at various
stages of its career a very muoh larger
quantity of gold must heve boon obtained.
Before being arquired by the first company
the ground was exceedingly rich
and tbe owners were indifferent on the
subject of partiDg with their interest
Its OIOBO proximity to the Groat- Fingall,
ess than a couple of miles separating
t h em, may perhaps lead to the esplor
stion of the Kinsella at greater depth
The Trenton (148D) obtained 5,522-z
from 7,748 tons, but (ho values cut cut,
snl tbe lease with all its expensive development
work, is now opon (or re
selection. Among others in tbe same
list is the Mount Fingall, cru?hings from
which returned l,071oz, from 1,735 tons,
and tbe Southdown, 605oz frt m 333 tons.
Another lease with a good record is the
Yalgoo (12D) which gave 806. z from 720
Both on tho I.-land and the Mainland,
only a few miles from Pay Dawn, witb
whioh it is connected by rai'.way, some
leases witb rich returns to their credit
have born abandoned. Ona oi them, the
New Orient, }ielded 3,151oz from 731
tons, and tbe Mainland Eureka dollied
and crushed SSloz from ISO tons. The
Chicago 8bamrock rewarded its owners
with 388 z from 08 tons, in addition to
69 z obtained by dollying. Th.se and
similar returns suggest that a good op
portuoity is presented in many partB of
tbe Murchison which have hitherto received
only scant attention.
Mt. Magnet District
There are 83 abandoned leases in the
whole tf the Mt. Magnet district, which
uibraces Lennonville, Mount Magnet
East, Moyageo, aud Mouut Magnet itself.
From~tbes3 leases 18,240ozs have been
obtained from 18,769 tons, practically an
ounce per ton. A majority of tbe leases
are in tbe Lennonvillo area and Bonn of
them have given very high result?. The
Golden Gem crushed 1,079 tons for 1,547
DZ9, besides 170o:',a dollied gold. Among
ethers with good records are tbe L'rooklyn
334 tons for 427oz ; the Haeramai, 231
tons for 231ozs; Perseverance, 286 tons
for 375ozs ; Sullivan's Dunlop 647 tons
for 565ozs, and the Yule Tide, from
which 3o5:zs wore do'lied. A wonderfully
rich lease, the Welcome, produced 3,781
ozs from 2,146 tons, and in addition, 2,431
ozi of dollied gold, but to-day it appears
in the abandoned list. Considering that
it was ttumMed upon in tho bush away
from other workings eome vigorous
searching in the same loci'ity might pro
duce equally sensational results. There
is a revival in Mount Magnet mining,
several leases on which working was long
discontinued having been taken up witb
en ourBglug results. The Morning Star,
which fell to a low ebb, has been acquired
by new owners, who are energetically
opening up the mine at lower depths than
any previously attained, and so far the
results are highly encouraging. The
same may be said of the St. George and
other propcriif B, SO that ihe disappearance
of several leases from tbe present list
may ba ezpsoted. The Eclipse, for
example, with a return of 773ozs from
400 tons and the Surprise (413M), 658JZS
from 162 ton?, appear tompting enough
to induce full inquiry.
Yalgoo Goldfie'.d.
In the Yalgoo field which embraces
Field's Find, Gullowo, Messenger's Patch
p~ .j. Eotb3Byi Wadgingerra and
v™. Jn addition to Ya'goo itself, there
Yu'.n, in addition to Ya'goo itself, there
are 23 leases that have been worked and
abandoned and from which l,828ozs were
obtained from 2,871 tons, With onlj
three or four exceptions comparatively
little work bas been done on these leases,
the most nrtewjrthy being tbe Msrloo
(548), which yielded 293OZJ from 39 tons,
228 zt bang do'liel gold. The famous
Emerald mine, which at one time y : .olde-.t
six and seven ounces per ton, an 1 was
unworked for several years, has been
resuscitated under new manigement, and
already the prospects are de idedly
Must have been one he'll of a session lol

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