After saying that, I went back to my old Police station site, which had gone pretty dead on me, with a plan for hunting relics: Nox 600 to Field 1, F1 and sensitivity very low at 5. Oh man that paid off, I quickly settled on a 2x2m patch that often falsed a lot for me before and dug anything that even looked half like a non-ferrous signal. The first hole, which gave something like an inconsistent 14 ID had all this in it:
And the spoons did not stop coming, this was the result after about half an hour on this little patch:
There's silver plated spoons (all same hallmark, will take some work to read), round lead shot, an agate cab, a fob watch bar, buttons, a tiny thumbwheel (PATENT MAY 18(5?)4 ???? MERIDEN CT), slate pencils, one of many big square nails, some other random things and two half pennies.
1862 and 1884. At no point did the detector sound like it had a clean signal on a coin! My favourite thing has to be the slate pencils though. All this was with the 11" coil too, I gotta try out the 6" with this program here, I thought I had slammed it hard before...