705 again

Prospecting Australia

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Feb 15, 2013
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had an hour out with the 705 on my usual old spot here is what i tipped out of the finds bag when i got back . i will clean them up later , i think 1 x3d 1x6d 1 penny maybe 1 halfpenny not sure on the other .
cleaned up a bit 1949 penny 1943 halfpenny 1936 threepence and a birthday coin 1955 sixpence , the other coin turned out to be a 1cent .'
not the best pic but thats the best i can do right now .
the threepence cleaned up real nice and very easy but the sixpence being less silver i suppose not as easy to clean .
having found those coins in about an hour ,just did the maths and on that rate for an 8 hour day i was on 7 bob a day thats not bad rate for back then or one pound 15 shillings for a 40 hour week which would be a short week anyway . i was doing a 48 hour week when i started work in the very early 70s and on 18 bucks a week at age 15 .

back to my normal spot again this arvo for an hour and a half . only got a bag of junk plus 2 x threepenny bits and a lonely sixpence ,3Ds are 1943 and 1949 .6D is a 1951 .
been a long time since i found any of the bigger silvers in this spot , i used to find quite a few 1 and 2 bob bits ,looks like i may of cleaned up most of the bigger coins .at least until the bloke that farms this paddock gives it a deep working with a nice big set of gizzley offsets or a deep rip with a chisel plough that might raise some more good ones to the surface .


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