Agree with you there Steve.
StayyerAU said:Gday
Wake up people, thats a significant price rise, if it is true how would they justify such a huge increase in the fee anyway?, I bet you would all have good old whinge if they whacked a 250% increase on your next carton of beer without any justification, what the greedy sods don't realise is it will definately increase the instances of people doing it illegally anyway, the increase may mean little to you blokes that are on the gold all the time but its significant to others that do it as a hobby and are on limited incomes, and before you say well don't do it then remember this, many of the small towns in the gold fields benefit from the influx of people from down in the city in the winter months, not to mention the fuel suppliers on the way there, so the more they increase prices to go prospecting and the harder they make it the more people are just going to give it away and not bother anymore as it will just become too hard, many people I know have given it away due to the ever increasing costs of fuel, rego, accommodation and so on so this will just make others decide to do the same, and in the short time just not bother applying for permits, whats next a hike in the miners right price I bet.
shakergt said:Heck I remember the days when a wa miners right cost nothing