Now to the next phase of the cleanup around our home. It was a bit of a mess when we got here but all our junk aka stuff (or is it the other way around?) has just added to the problem of not enough space. I so wish we had a TARDIS. Ive never done much gardening although I have tried occasionally and realised I have a black thumb, or two. The cost of food here is exorbitant so we decided to grow our own, hopefully. Phil set off with his aquaponics project and I made use of the raised garden beds that were already here. More about that later.
The result was a fair whack of tools, buckets and other stuff that had nowhere to go. I was sick of dodging boxes, pipes, bags of garden mulch etc and other tip rescue goodies whilst manoeuvring my way to the back door. And boxes of broken coloured glass, old bottles and myriad relics which, in hindsight, probably should have remained where they were found.
The man had an order to bring some things back from Perth I wanted to use. He had no idea what I was planning in my head and I had no idea whether it would work but thought Id surprise him anyway. So I got to work. It took days to move everything and clean up before I could actually do anything constructive. Then I commandeered Phil for a little while. He installed some steel shelves we'd brought up from Capel.... after I stripped them back and cleaned them. Working the forklift around the narrow verandah and turning it towards the raised decking was tricky but we got there in the end.
Then he sprayed the foamy stuff in all the gaps where soil and water come through (what messy muck that is). All the garden soil bags were constantly wet and the cockroaches, spiders, ants and myriad other critters (including snakes and bungarras) were enjoying a never-ending picnic.
A small weld mesh was turned into a hanging rack and I hung up the many hooks hed brought back. I thought I had too many but theyve been used all around the place to get stuff off the ground and now I need more, lol.
I spent weeks sorting every piece of glass into colours (LOVE that blue and purple stuff) because I have craft ideas in my head (which will no doubt stay there forever), cleaning bottles and relics and stacking them on the shelves (still a long way from finished), sorting gardening supplies and rearranging - and rearranging the rearrangements. I even found some missing shopping bags and gloves, washed them and theyre ready for reuse. Relic hunting anyone?
The whole process took about a month on and off but Im happy with it now.