Well as I said, my pulleys turned up so now the sluice has dropped a bit further down the list of jobs so you'll have to wait to see my results.
I purchased four taper-lock pulleys for the big serpentine belt. I have to make the tensioner pulley and mount it.
I started out with an air-conditioner drive pulley and machined to belt grooves off.
It was only 30mm wide, the same as the belt so I had to add a sleeve to the outside.
I used an offcut from the drill rod that we used for posts on the shade sails.
I didn't actually plan what width to make it but it ended up 47mm so that should be spot on.
I made it just a smidgin smaller than the pulley outside then popped the pulley into the freezer for a bit and the sleeve onto the gas stove. I'd have used the oxy set but my new gauge and hoses are still floating about in freight-space somewhere :argh:
It slipped on nicely and shrunk into place to stay.
I'll give you a little look at some of the wiggly bits and the belt and pulley setup.
The link from the diff should keep the gate on the bottom of the bin shuffling back and forth to meter the flow over the riffle trays.
I've used timing belts to link the idler shaft to the two crank shafts that move the bellows and keep them in sync.
All of the drive is through a very long serpentine belt that links the Honda engine, diff (for conveyor drive), idler shaft to the bellows and the wobble shaft up on top of the bin.
The tensioner pulley that I made up this afternoon should keep all that in order