2013 finds - Goldbuzzhashit

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Hi Goldbuzz, Some very good finds there and you are really going on the silvers now! For cleaning silvers I use Earth Choice Bathroom and Shower Cleaner mixed with some water let them soak for an hour and brush gently with a baby's toothbrush (very soft) and this brings them up very nicely.
This is a plant based cleaner that definitely has citric acid in it so go gently with the strength at first.
Great work mate. You really kicked a home run. Especially with the florin, there just so few and far between. Catch up over the week end.
Just a florin picture.


Close up of the silvers

Revisited the old wharf, today was my b-day so had the day off,. Was not a wasted day,


My first coin pouch, containing a 1917 florin and a 1918 three pence, a badge and a brass dude of some description!

Also got
three more three pence
Four penny's
Two half pence
Two six pence
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOLDBUZZ :D. Great finds there mate, looks like a day well spent.
Happy Birthday Buzz hope ya have a great day ... good work on the finds mate
Happy Birthday Goldbuzz,
You are really getting to know that Etrac and got the silvers flowing freely now. Oh I love that sweet sound too :lol:
Can't wait to get out again.