2012 Finds - Nugget

Prospecting Australia

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5cent coins 340 = $16.80

10cent coins 361 = $36.10

20cent coins 308 = $61.60

50cent coins 128 = $64.00

$1coins 521 = $521

$2coins 489 = $978

TOTAL Coins 2147 = $1677.50

I'm of to a pretty good start this year as well :D
Great effort guy's I got about $350 (I know it's over $300 but not sure of exact figure) for last year concidering injuries and time spent detecting I think I did well to. Also found 3 pennies 2 threepences, one silver charm bracelet, one heavy silver chain, one gold ear ring, about 4 or 5 loose silver charms, three silver rings & lots of other interesting items, or at least interesting to me.
I did start keeping records like Pete has but let it go, I now just throw all coins in money box and use them as desired.
Only started MDing last year. I got over a $100, most of that in four weekends doing playparks.
This year will be bigger. Already got about $60.