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During the election, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on camera that there would be no public funding for Adani's minehttps://www.acf.org.au/billions?page=371&recruiter_id=178193 (and politicians don't tell lies) :rolleyes:
Here's a good link into companies not paying tax in Australia http://www.smh.com.au/comment/two-waves-sink-turnbulls-rhetoric-20151217-glqja7.html :rolleyes:
And here's one that will explain why Adani got the all clear when everyone was apposed to the coal mine getting the go ahead https://newmatilda.com/2016/07/18/malcolm-turnbull-just-made-mr-coal-his-environment-minister/ :rolleyes:
ADANI mine would pollute and drain billions of litres of groundwater, and obliterate important springs systems. The scale of the ADANI mine means it would have devastating impacts on our native title, ancestral lands and waters, our totemic plants and animals, and our environmental and cultural heritage http://wanganjagalingou.com.au/our-fight/ :rolleyes:
rotor said:
As we've mentioned Adani here I guess this isnt off topic.

I see Adani hit the ABC news tonight with major concerns about their company structures - namely TAX HAVENS! There is concern over the Abbot Point Coal facility as Adani are trying to transfer this asset to a Hayman Island company. And further concerns that the $1 billion dollar loan of our tax payers money will also be held by a Hayman Island company - even with assurances from Adani, there will be no recourse as it will be the companies they have set up that wont have the money to pay us back!

Ah I think you mean Cayman Islands.... :lol: ...... Adani will be in the news a lot more... and NOT for the right reasons :|

LoneWolf said:
rotor said:
As we've mentioned Adani here I guess this isnt off topic.

I see Adani hit the ABC news tonight with major concerns about their company structures - namely TAX HAVENS! There is concern over the Abbot Point Coal facility as Adani are trying to transfer this asset to a Hayman Island company. And further concerns that the $1 billion dollar loan of our tax payers money will also be held by a Hayman Island company - even with assurances from Adani, there will be no recourse as it will be the companies they have set up that wont have the money to pay us back!

Ah I think you mean Cayman Islands.... :lol: ...... Adani will be in the news a lot more... and NOT for the right reasons :|


you got it ...... yep that's the one Cayman (a bit of leniency for us old farts please ;) )
rotor said:
Quoted from: http://www.qt.com.au/news/companies-taxes-revealed/2877018/

"FOUR major Gladstone companies did not pay any income tax in the 2013-2014 financial year; and others that did, paid a smaller percentage of their income than the average worker.
Queensland Alumina Limited, Boyne Smelters, BG-Group operating as QGC, and APLNG are all on the Australian Taxation Office's list, released yesterday, of almost 600 companies that didn't pay tax that year."

But the ATO they didn't miss out getting mine or your tax that year!

In my opinion, any person or company that moves their finances, workforce or profits overseas to reap the tax rewards should be given a one way ticket never to return and that includes Malcolm Turnbull or any other politician/person!

Which of those companies are foreign and which made a profit to be taxed on (a serious question - I don't know)?

I still feel that the criticism should be shafted to governments that allow unreasonable things to be done, before selecting companies that operate within the law. I claimed all my deductions last year. If the law is bad, the government should change it. The tax department simply publishing such a list without explanation is just a cop-out, a pretending that they are doing something. I think that we should all be trying to understand how things work (eg should a big foreign company that genuinely made a loss everywhere in the world be forced to pay tax on profits it did not make?) - and asking our local members to get the tax department to explain. I think there is enough to suggest that changes are needed and my understanding is that world governments have got together to discuss how to correct the problem in the future, and I can see that care is needed with new legislation - some countries are putting in large legal claims which suggests that things were not even legal but illegal. However if you hit a company that made no profit for a valid reason, that is hanging in there in the expectation that next year will be better, you will close many on the spot and all employees will be out of a job, they may lose some or all accrued benefits, the taxation department will no longer receive tax from the employees, the government will have to pay increased welfare and pension benefits from our tax money....And of course no foreign company in their right mind would invest in any company in Australia again (we don't own most companies, foreigners do and have invested $30 trillion here that we don't have to invest).

But we need to keep the issue on the boil - someting is wrong and needs re-thinking, but I doubt that any one country can do it, only a unified front of many countries - otherwise companies will simply invest elsewhere not here. In fact, the Australian currency would drop more than 90% overnight if we acted alone - sanctions alone on South Africa and Russia did that for a similar reason - companies immediately stopped or sold investments in those countries and the curency values crashed 94-95% (within days in one case), and major unemployment resulted. In both cases I was living or visiting those countries and lost most of what I had, so I do know what I am talking about - we don't want that here.
goldierocks said:
rotor said:
Quoted from: http://www.qt.com.au/news/companies-taxes-revealed/2877018/

"FOUR major Gladstone companies did not pay any income tax in the 2013-2014 financial year; and others that did, paid a smaller percentage of their income than the average worker.
Queensland Alumina Limited, Boyne Smelters, BG-Group operating as QGC, and APLNG are all on the Australian Taxation Office's list, released yesterday, of almost 600 companies that didn't pay tax that year."

But the ATO they didn't miss out getting mine or your tax that year!

In my opinion, any person or company that moves their finances, workforce or profits overseas to reap the tax rewards should be given a one way ticket never to return and that includes Malcolm Turnbull or any other politician/person!

Which of those companies are foreign and which made a profit to be taxed on (a serious question - I don't know)?

"others that did, paid a smaller percentage of their income than the average worker" - surely that has nothing to do with foreign workers or 457 visas but is primarily because the maximum rate of company tax in Australia is significantly less than the maximum rate of personal tax? And this is because all countries get most of their tax from the population, not from companies, because companies are suppliers of employment (plus some comapany tax in the main) and provide jobs for workers (thus saving on welfare and providing income to the government in terms of tax on the population). Whereas the population are consumers of those jobs and government benefits and simply pass on their component of taxation on earnings from the companies. Some countries do not tax companies at all for that reason (which is why Trump is talking about a tiny company tax for the USA).

I still feel that the criticism should be shafted to governments that allow unreasonable things to be done, before selecting companies that operate within the law. I claimed all my deductions last year. If the law is bad, the government should change it. The tax department simply publishing such a list without explanation is just a cop-out, a pretending that they are doing something. I think that we should all be trying to understand how things work (eg should a big foreign company that genuinely made a loss everywhere in the world be forced to pay tax on profits it did not make?) - and asking our local members to get the tax department to explain. I think there is enough to suggest that changes are needed and my understanding is that world governments have got together to discuss how to correct the problem in the future, but I can see that care is needed with new legislation - some countries are putting in large legal claims which suggests that things were not even legal but illegal, so those company actions were presumably an offence not a legal evasion. However if you hit a company that made no profit for a valid reason with a tax, a company that is hanging in there in the expectation that next year will be better (often with good reason), you will close many on the spot and all employees will be out of a job, they may lose some or all accrued benefits, the taxation department will no longer receive tax from the employees, the government will have to pay increased welfare and pension benefits from our tax money....And of course no foreign company in their right mind would invest in any company in Australia again (we don't own most companies, foreigners do and have invested $30 trillion here that we don't have to invest ourselves).

But we need to keep the issue on the boil - someting is wrong and needs re-thinking, but I doubt that any one country can do it, only a unified front of many countries - otherwise companies will simply invest elsewhere not here. In fact, the Australian currency would drop more than 90% overnight if we acted alone - sanctions alone on South Africa and Russia did that for a similar reason - companies immediately stopped or sold investments in those countries and the currency values crashed 94-95% (within days in one case), and major unemployment resulted. In both cases I was living or visiting those countries and lost most of what I had, so I do know what I am talking about (starvation resulted in some places) - we don't want that here. Governments don't have some magical store of funds when things go bottom up - if they aren't getting taxation they cannot supply anything (health, dole, pension) - the only recourse is a loine from the World Bank which would not be given under such circumstances - and even then your currency would double as wall-paper and we could not import what we don't presently make, or continue to make much of what we do make (including grow to eat). Western governments have done better than the 2nd and 3rd world so far, to the extent that our populations just assume that things like starvation cannot happen to them - but I don't want to be a Greek resident right now.
Lived in Gladstone for the past 35 years - it is common knowledge that the listed companies are set up to sell to their parent companies at cost price - thus they dont make any profit and no tax. QAL is the biggest joke as they advertise they help pay tax for their employees - all they are doing is deducting employees tax as all employers are bound do!

A couple of those companies may look to be partially Australian owned but look a little deeper and they aren't!

Queensland Alumina is owned by -
1 - Rio Tinto 80%
2 -Rusal 20%

Boyne Smelters -
1 Rio Tinto Alcan 59.39% USA
2 UACJ Australia 9.43%
3 Southern Cross Aluminium 7.57%
4 Ryowa Development 5.27%
5 Ryowa Development II 6.34%
6 YKK Aluminium 9.50%
7 Sumitomo Chemical 2.50%

BG-Group operating as QGC -
Shell Petroleum

1 Origin (37.5%)
2 ConocoPhillips (37.5%)
3 Sinopec (25%)

Our small business sector and workers all struggle under the tax burden so that multi nationals can reap steal and plunder!
Yes, if we depended on Australian ownership we might as well be carrying spears and digging yams - it hardly exists.
greencheeks77 said:
"Don't quote me" But I think the cash is going to the Cayman islands first and then its being transferred through western union over to Hayman island where they are going to take a well earned break :lol: Like I said "please don't quote me on this" ;)http://www.smh.com.au/national/western-union-linked-to-wiring-drug-money-20120326-1vupa.html I believe that is the wrong link :lol: http://www.loopcayman.com/content/w...ing-money-laundering-reporting-officer-cayman

Who knows?:


I suspect that noone is telling the complete truth and noone is telling a complete lie. Even our PM structures his fortune through the Caymans and there is no question that many companies do - anyone who has superannuation is doing so, so I guess most working Australians. The bit about India not needing the coal seems rather unlikely, but I am no expert on coal. The devil is in the detail, not broad and bland statements by both sides.
All companies, sole operators, whatever ALL pay provisional tax, IE; if you make a profit this year you pay tax on that profit but the ato assumes you will make the same profit ( or more ) again next year, so you pay tax on that as well this year.

1st year in business you make a loss
2nd year you break even with deductions from previous year (if a sole trader then bad luck )
3rd year you make a reasonable profit and bingo, tax on this years profit x 2 and the small business shuts down, unless you can pay a GOOD accountant .

I didn't make the rules, the ********* in Canberra do that, then the Tax Commissioner puts in HIS interpretations of the rules and muddies the water even further, but I got lucky and found a very savvy accountant, not cheap, but he saved me a lot of tax money over the years, the big companies can pay $k's for legal advice.

Yes I used the system with a lot of advice and I'm not ashamed of that, I don't agree with most of the taxation rules in Australia, they are all very archaic and aimed it big business and are behind the times by 50 years. The last major change was the GST, a simple, easy to understand and implement system,UNTIL, Mr Carrmody , the tax commissioner stuck his nose in and that was the end of that, something like 500 pages went to 3000 pages ( 9 years ago ) to justify his job (cya)

So please don't yell at the businesses, yell at your local member,your local councillor, set up a lobby group like "change.org" with a petition.

Common knowledge about a businesses accounting systems are usually rumour and hearsay and are NOT based on fact, no offence meant to the writer, would you publish your tax return for all to see, I think not.

If you have enough money you can "buy" a "private decision"( binding on your company only, no-one else ) from the ATO about the expenditure and claims you want to make, don't believe me, check the ATO., you may have to ring them and ask for a private decision, it may not be published on their web site
Yes, I am aware of some of those things, and I think we all realise that things need to be much better - but one of the problems is as I mentioned, that for a country to go it alone would be disastrous, and my understanding is that there are joint efforts afoot between many countries. I suspect that it is largely that government is way behind business as the electronic/internet age evolves. It is years since I paid provisional tax (i.e, as an overseas resident) and I have been a sole trader since, so I have encountered some of these issues. You can apply for a variation but I don't remember all ending well. :) And anyone who can navigate it all without an accountant is like the person who has themselves for a lawyer. It was complexity that largely decided me to stop employing anyone long ago, and just earn my own income alone (instead I now try to place others with companies and work jointly with them - mostly to get new graduates started in a time of difficult employment).

The main thing is that the public not let the matter die I think.
GaryO said:
Dont even want to go there! .. This country is getting absolutely screwed day by day while we do sweet F all about it .. And then people have the hide to criticize Trump for trying to reclaim his country from this new world BS that is also turning our once great nation into garbage as well :(

Rant and political post over :(

Hi GaryO

I'm not trash because my heart is Australian
Part of the problem as far as unemployment that 0% unemployment causes an increase in demand for wages/benefits that literally can't be met and an inflexible labour market. The way the economy is structured effectively means that without a small percentage of people rotating in and out of unemployment the inflation goes sky high very fast, effectively there has to be some unemployed at all times, not that you'd catch a politician admitting this :rolleyes: . Non accelerating inflation rate of unemployment is the term economists use I believe.

I'm aware the discussion has moved past employment issues and into the ethics of coal mining and the (mis)behaviour of our politicians but I feel it's worth mentioning in any case just because of how few people are aware of it. I'll throw up a couple of links explaining it in more detail than I can in this short aside in case anyone is interested in any case.
My apologies - this is a bit of a long one.

I watched the video of the Queensland premier and it sounds beaut - 10,000 jobs for regional workers - good on'em.

If the region has been like the majority of rural areas west of the Great Divide, they've been doing it tough. The whole of Australia, in it's own time does it tough - it's the nature of Australia.

What is missing from this picture is the fact that this company, Adani, want a Billion dollars as start-up money - no money, no start. He (Mr Adani) is either bent, or a poor businessman. He is known for his methods of business - political patronage and excessive leverage. The company was granted a U.S. one Billion dollar loan by the Indian Government to start up, and it is known that this company is having trouble repaying the interest on that loan. If the QLD government grants their one billion dollar loan, then this starts to take on the appearance of a Ponzi scheme.

The Adani group is also known for its indebtedness. It is also known for its philanthropy - it donates yearly 3% of its profits to run a school...which is run by the Adani Group, (surprise, suprise)and overseen by Mr Adani's wife, and He is worth Ten Billion Dollars - not bad for a high school dropout.

He is not known for his conservation credentials, and is facing multi-million dollar fines for environmental breaches:

AN Indian billionaire industrialist at the centre of an environmental battle over the expansion of a Queensland coal port is facing multi-million-dollar fines for environmental breaches at his Gujarat shipping terminal and rising public anger about plans to locate a ship-breaking business in a sensitive coastal area.

A damning assessment of Gautam Adani's multi-billion-dollar Mundra port and special economic zone in the Indian state of Gujarat by a government-appointed panel has found "incontrovertible evidence" that his company violated environmental clearances and bypassed approval procedures.

The expert panel, which included officials from India's Environment and Forests Ministry, found those violations had resulted in large-scale mangrove destruction, groundwater contamination, river blockages and fly-ash pollution.

It noted other authorities, including a Gujarat court, had also previously found serious breaches by the company, which operates the country's largest privately owned port as well as factories and coal-fired power plants at Mundra.

The panel recommended the government revoke approval for an additional port at Mundra and that Adani pay at least $36 million towards environmental restoration.

That has failed to deter the company, however, which has sparked fresh alarm among local farmers and fishermen in recent weeks with plans to build a ship-breaking yard -- an industry synonymous with toxic pollution -- within the SEZ.

Activists in both India and Australia say the federal government should take note of the Adani Group's record for environmental breaches before making any decision. "Adani are habitual violators of environmental law. Even before environmental clearance is given they begin projects," India's ToxicsWatch Alliance spokesman Gopal Krishna said.

"Environment groups in India are coming together to work out how to deal with this (company) because every struggle cannot be fought in isolation."

Adani projects have also sparked alarm in other Indian states, including Madhya Pradesh, where it is accused of illegally diverting irrigation water for a power plant.

Obviously, Australia needs Industry, and we need it badly, but getting into bed with Mr Adani will just leave us with a bad taste in our mouths in the morning. If the Government is considering loaning one Billion dollars to promote industry, why not look at an industry that will be self perpetuating, is energy based, and in our present climatic situation worthwhile.

Yep, solar energy.

We, until recently, had one of the best research and development industries in the world - it didn't fail on its merits - it was strangled by its own sucessive Governments.

Some Northern European countries are, at certain times of the year 100% proficient when it comes to supplying domestic energy, and the problem of storage combined with the harvesting of solar energy is something that needs work - so, why not encourage those erudite and eager researchers and developers back from Europe, and the U.S.A with the hint of a treasure chest holding one billion dollars - with our history of invention, and the right backing, we can move mountains, and give the world a chance to have a renewable energy source that can sit on your roof and doesn't cost $700 a quarter.

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