Thanks guys, I was lucky enough to find a piece on my first outing by luck, the 2nd piece on the left.
I then went out twice and didn't find a thing and was starting to question myself, my settings and the places I was swinging. I picked up a few bits today and on my last day out and I'm starting to realize that its just a matter of getting your coil over it.
I've also learnt that slowing down and checking an area properly is much more effective than going like a cut cat trying to cover ground. When you slow down (low and slow) you really shouldn't miss those faint signals which is what most of these pieces have been. The biggest is .6 (far left) to give you an idea of the size of these tiddlers. I'm hoping i can get my coil over some bigger stuff in the future. Although I must admit, I'm stoked as to get colour of any size, coming home empty handed sux, however its something we all have to get used to with this hobbie.